Sunday, February 9, 2014

Hand Stitching Project!

I've had this panel for a while and thought I would make hexies to go around it, see that post here, but have put those hexies on hold. (I started it in April of 2012!)  I messed up and need to wait until I am settled in my new place and relatively stress free before figuring it out.  Meanwhile while I decided to make this a wall hanging.  I want to hand quilt around it to make it stand out.  The only thing is that I have never done anything like this before.  Is there a special way to make it look nice?  Should I quilt on the fur also, or just around the cat?  I was thinking of maybe just quilting around the ears, body, eye, etc.  and then quilting around the flowers and everything else also.  I am open to any suggestions or tutorials you might want to share on something like this.  I'm so clueless, my husband had to explain to me how to put the hoop on!  LOL

I paid $1.50 for the panel at a thrift store, the backing was like a $1, and the hoop was 50 cents at a yard sale!  Oh and the batting?  It was left over batting that I sewed together to make it wide enough!

I am writing a tutorial on how to spray baste a quilt, I'll try to get it posted tomorrow!

Remember the prayer quilt we made for Kenzie?  She has cerebral palsy and participates in the Arkansas Angel pageant every year.  This year the pageant is having a fund raiser to help pay for expenses.  Jamberry nails is those neat nail sticker thingies you put on your nails and last about 2-3 weeks.  You can order here, , but make sure you click on their link and order through that link.

Please share your wisdom with me!


  1. I would say that the most important thing is to quilt it evenly... not putting in a ton of stitches on the cat and only a few in the sky...or else it will be ruffly and very 3D!
    I would probably start with outline quilting all the prominent shapes...the big flowers, the tree, and the cats, and then decided how much more texture you want in the spaces. Enjoy! Thanks for linking up and sharing your project at Slow Sunday Stitching!

  2. I was going to say pretty much the same thing as Kathy, just start outlining the major shapes and go from there. Also, I don't usually use a hoop for quilting small projects. If the basting is holding the layers together well, you don't necessarily need a hoop. I find I can take more consistent size stitches when I don't use a hoop. It's an adorable panel - have fun!

  3. Wow that is some panel!! Can't wait to see how looks hand quilted. I like roll the backing or top onto a large roll ( I use a batting roll) when spray basting. Tape the batting to the covered surface, preferably outdoors. The spray a couple of feet on one end, roll and smooth the backing, then spray a couple more feet....until finished, turn it over and do the top in the same way, easy peasy.

  4. I have sewed the outline then slit the back and stuffed area with Cotten so it stands out. The cat would be very pretty three D when done sew the backing on to cover the slit areas and bind. The quilt is very pretty when done like this.

  5. What a fun panel!! You might also try pin basting -- I do that with almost all of my smaller pieces when I'm quilting. Typically a combination of spray basting and pins. Can't wait to watch your progress!! :)

  6. How funny I have the same panel. 5 of them! I started many years ago too as I was going to make cat quilts for each of my nieces. I just added borders and need to quilt them up. I agree with Cathy. it is called trapunto. you quilt around the outside of the area and slit the back and stuff. it will then be 3d and stand out from the background.
    have fun! now, where are mine?? hmmm

  7. I'm in agreement with the others, makes it easy to follow advice, doesn't it? I especially think the trapunto for the cat would be fantastic. Keeping the stitches even is the thing. It's not the size of stitch as much as the even size. This will be cute when you're done.

  8. I spray base just like you do(without the steps involving cats) but I too pin just in case.


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