Thursday, March 13, 2014

North East TX TOGA

Okay, I know when you think of a toga, you think of people wrapped in bed sheets and drinking beer at a frat party, let me assure you this is not the case!  TOGA stands for Treadle On Gathering Academy.  I have gone for the past two years and you would not believe what all you can learn about people powered machines!
 I am going to quote what Sue says "The North-East Texas TOGA is fast approaching.  The dates are April 25th and 26.  We gather in Lone Oak TX ( just down the road a bit from Greenville), about 40 miles east of Dallas.  We have lots of demos planned and always have lots of machines to admire, lust after, and some even go home with us."
 Here are just a couple of the machines that were at the TOGA last year.  Treadles and hand cranks, we learn about them, how to clean them, how to use them, people help us fix them and teach us how to fix them ourselves.  People sell, buy and trade machines and machine parts.
 There are all kinds of free demos, quilt blocks and more.  I know there are a couple of different pin cushions and a potholder demo.  There is also a demo on how to clean your machine, and if I get on the ball, I'll do a demo on how to use a ruffle foot.

 Even a few vintage electric machines sneak in.

Here is the link to the Yahoo group if you are interested in coming.

Here are several blog post I written in the past about the TOGAs, lot of eye candy!

Here is the first TOGA I went to:

Here is a sampling of the bow-tie TOGA from last year:

Here are a lot of the machines from last year's TOGA:

I'm still going this year even though I now live eight hours away!   Everybody is so friendly, last year I learned how to treadle and the year before I learned how to use a and crank.  I hope you can come, and if you do, be sure to say hi!  I'll be the redhead with long red hair!



  1. Thanks so much for posting this. I never knew there was such a group. I am going to try my best to go. I live about 40 miles from Greenville.

  2. How lucky that you can still attend the TOGO - sounds like it's very educational! Have fun!

  3. I wish I could attend TOGA this year. I'm so glad you posted because I had forgotten since last year. I have my first treadle and the workshops on cleaning her would be so helpful. Have fun!

  4. Sure would love to come!


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