Thursday, March 20, 2014

Rescued Cats

Lily Pad Quilting is having a linky party about rescued pets.  I've been busy all week cleaning and unpacking and am behind on my blog reading and did not realize the party started on Monday!  Be sure to check it out here.   
We do not go looking for cats, they seem to find us.  Precious is my oldest at 15.  He was a stray hanging around the daycare where I worked back in Arkansas.  I'm not really sure how old he is, 15 is how long we have had him, we think he was not quite a year when he attached himself to me, but he has always been a small cat, so it is hard to tell.  He is the grey and white cat on the left.  Tiger, on the right, we got as a kitten because we were cat sitting him as a kitten with his mom and her litter while their parents were out of town and fell in love with him.  Precious is our smallest cat and Tiger is our biggest.
Our next oldest cat is Squeeky.  She is about 11-13 years old, we are not sure.  My sister had to get rid of her because her daughter was allergic to cats.  The last thing we needed was another cat, but my sister begged us to take her so she would have a good home.  She is a beautiful cat, unfortunately, Precious is always picking on her.
My husband says that Pippi was not rescued, but abducted.  Her mom was a feral cat who had kittens under the church building.  My friend took the kittens away from their mother when they were about four weeks old so they would be tamed and not feral.  She kept two, my friend Clarissa took one and we got Pippi.  We hand fed her from a bottle and she greets everyone at the door.  There is nothing feral about her!  Muffin and Tiger helped me to raise her.  Pippi is the calico on the right and Muffin is on the left.  Muffin is Tiger's brother, Chris had to have Muffin and I had to have Tiger.  Muffin and Tiger will be four in September and Pippi will be three in May.
She loves baskets!
Next are our last three.  They were seven weeks old when my friend called me.  They were moving out of state in 30 minutes when her husband told her she could not take the kittens, just the mom with them.  How lame was that?  She begged me to take them or she would have to leave them behind to fend for themselves.  What could I do?  I had to take them!  I named them Oreo, Cupcake and Custard.  Thier sister moved with their mom.
Yes, Custard is named after Strawberry Shortcake's cat!  She is the on the right in the above picture and since I love cupcakes the name was a natural fit for the calico on the left in the above picture.  They will be one in April!  Boy have they grown!
So, out of eight cats (if you were counting) all but two were rescued in some way.  I have people ask me all the time why I have eight cats, it's not as if we went looking for them!  All but the two oldest came from the same lady, my friend who is as big an animal lover as me!  LOL  I do love them all and have hundreds of pictures and stories I could share with you!  LOL
There is no need to buy a pedigreed cat, just go to your local shelter and rescue one.  If you are worried about the cost, that is what you would have to pay to get the cat fixed anyways.  If I were to choose a cat, I would pick an adult cat, especially if you have children.  They are tamer, gentler and more loving, not to mention already house broken and won't be climbing your curtains!

I am also linking to Sarah's Feline Friday on Friday.

How many pets do you have?  Don't forget to check out Lily Pad's linky party!

Missy, sometimes called the Crazy Cat Lady!


  1. Thank you for letting me know about the link party. I love sharing about my Abby Gail who I rescued from a busy traffic intersection when she was 4 weeks old. Because of her, I have three cats. I only wanted two; but, I cannot get rid of her due to her wild and exotic nature. I have another cat that I've adopted -- Gracie. My elderly cat is the only pure bred cat I ever owned in my life -- the rest were strays and/or rescues.

    I love the fact that you have eight and can handle all eight! I can barely handle three and one of them is "wild". SMH.

  2. They all look very happy with their home.

  3. Loved reading about all your kitties. You've got some great pictures and stories too. :)

  4. I'm totally convinced that kitties fine us.

  5. We had 2 dogs, but, lost one in January. She was the rescue dog, from Arkansas. She and her sisters were in a cage, at a shop in the town where we have our family reunion every other year. The puppies were up for adoption (no shelter in town at that time). I fell in love with Padfoot, and, after telling me we couldn't have her (and the oldest son crying himself to sleep that night) hubby changed his mind as we were leaving town for home. We had Padfoot for 13.5 years. Our next dog will be a rescue Malamute. We're not ready yet, and have to think about the other dog in the family (bad knees that another dog can make worse, if not careful).

  6. I think you need to add "big hearted" to that crazy cat lady title, thank goodness for people like you.

  7. Your kitty cats are all beautiful and sweet! Thank you for having a kind heart and giving all of them a good home. I just don't understand anyone who would move and leave pets to fend for themselves... that is just so cruel.

  8. My brother in law and his wife have 8 indoor cats, same thing- all rescues that found them. Our current cats are all strays but they are outside cats except for 1 garage cat. (We used to have several indoor cats.) They really keep down the rodents, snakes, etc. although I do feed them (and the raccoon, skunks, opossum and birds that eat whatever the cats don't)

  9. You are only the crazy cat lady if you do not ever leave your house and don't comb your hair, and wear and old ratty sweater. LOL
    Cute kitties. No furbabies at our house DH and I work too much and I don't like to leave the children unattended.

  10. Ha - my brother calls me the crazy cat lady as well. Of course one of my cats used to be his: He asked me to catsit for 2 weeks while they went to Disney. That was 3 or 4 years ago! Of course, it turned out Ryan was allergic so Midgie would have become mine anyway but the Disney story is funnier.

  11. Your kitties are beautiful and so lucky to have you ... <3 Pat

  12. So glad your beautiful kitties have a happy home! Thanks for finding time to party with us!

  13. Wonderful post and beautiful photos. You are so right about adopting an older cat as they are the absolute best and so many are always looking for a home. Thanks for sharing a delightful post.

  14. Well they do come to you that's for sure. What a happy family!

  15. They're all darling! I love the trio of kittens ... I bet they're a handful!!! All of my cats have been rescue cats ... and Leia was a rescue cat as well. It's how we roll! :)

  16. they all look so happy and well loved. hugs!

  17. Awww...I loved reading about your cats! They all look happy and well loved! :)

  18. You are so wonderful to take them in and give them a loving home (and clean their litterboxes!).


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