Tuesday, April 22, 2014

A finish!

I am so excited I finished my rail fence quilt! Finishing this quilt was my April Goal.
This quilt is a prayer quilt that many bloggy friends sent me blocks for.  A prayer quilt is a quilt made for someone who is either sick or going through a rough time. This quilt was made for a friend who escaped out of an abusive relationship.   I had started the prayer quilt ministry at my church in TX.  Unfortunately I do not have a group of friends here in MO to help me with the ministry, but I do have several bloggy friends to help!
I had fun taking pictures of the quilt outside in my backyard!
I just did quilting in the ditch across the strips going both ways.  I did not mark it so some of the lines are wonky in the off blocks.  I quilted it on my Singer Industrial Treadle who is 124 years old!  She does a great job!
Of course my cats had to model the quilt also.
 My husband said he liked all of the different reds in the quilt, I told him that was a scrappy quilt.  My favorite kind!

Oreo and his sister Custard
 Warning - a very fuzzy cat butt!  I have never seen such long hair on a cat's behind before, and what a gorgeous tail!
Oreo's butt and Muffin in the window
I used a very soft flannel for the back that I found in my stash.  I had to do some piecing because there was not enough.
This was my first red and white quilt and I really love how it turned out!
SewCalGal is have a red and white quilt challenge and I will be entering mine. Go here.
red and white quilt show - Make It       
Here is a tutorial if you would like to make your own quilt.  It is a great starter quilt and very quick to make it.  Go here!

Have you ever made a red and white quilt before?

A Lovely Year of Finishes


  1. That's a really pretty quilt! Red and white are great together.

  2. It's beautiful! I'm with your hubby, the different reds really add fabulous texture and movement to the quilt. Your friend will be in my prayers :)

  3. Nice to see the cats approve of the finish! I'm working on a red and white quilt now, just have to finish quilting the borders. I am so far behind!

  4. So proud of you, what a great finish. I was honored to have participated. Your friend will be encouraged and comforted by this fabric hug!

  5. That is such a pretty quilt! The reds look so great together.

  6. What a precious and beautiful quilt Missy, I can tell the kitties really love it! Thanks for sharing.
    Freemotion by the River Linky Party Tuesday

  7. The quilt is beautiful and no, I have never made a red and white quilt, but it's on my bucket list. :)) Your cat is enjoying the quilt, isnt she? My dogs do the same thing, each time I lay one out on the floor to assess... it's like a magnet for them.

  8. The quilt turned out lovely and your quilting is lovely. Love the cat models. I assume each of them had to have a turn.

  9. Yea! You got it done in time. Have fun this weekend!

  10. What a lovely quilt for a lovely cause! I love the fact your quilt on a treadle!

  11. Your quilt turned out beautifully.

  12. Very nice finish...but I just love the kitties. Isn't it funny how they -must- give the quilt a snuggle as soon as you lay it on the floor (or anywhere else for that matter!)

  13. well done on the finish, it looks great. Such a good idea for a scrappy quilt too as I'm not so keen on really busy scrappy quilts.

  14. Why yes, I do think Oreo wins in the butt fur department :) Zorro has some long fur that gets kinky when it's damp but it's no where near as long as Oreo's. I hope your friend enjoys her new quilt!


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