Monday, April 14, 2014

Cookies, Cupcakes and Cheeseburgers

Happy Monday everyone!  I did not get any sewing done last week because I had a cookout on Saturday and had to clean my house when I was home which was not often!  We had a great time, I had around 25 people in my home!  We first had bible study and my screened in porch was great for additional seating for my friends who were allergic to cats.  LOL  With the window and door open it was like they were in the living room with everyone else (and yes the cats were locked up in the bedroom).
This picture was taken through the window and is my front porch.
 My husband, Chris, gave the lesson.  We even had a friend play the organ during music time.  We have home bible study with friends for our church time and moved it to Saturday this week because of the cook out.

I made cheeseburger cookies for the cook out.

These are super easy to make.  The buns are Nilla Wafers, the hamburger patties are grasshopper cookies which is the Keebler brand of Thin Mints.  Take frosting, either store bought or homemade, and tint some yellow and some red.  That is your mustard and ketchup.  You can also use green tinted coconut for lettuce.
I also made cupcakes.  I used the left over "mustard" and "ketchup" to decorate the cupcakes with.
The men said they looked like Wimpy from Popeye eating those small hamburgers.
My husband grilled hamburgers, hot dogs and pineapple.  We had a lot of fun!

Today I need to do a ton of laundry and get some sewing done!

How was your weekend?



  1. Very sweet and sounds like you had a fun time! xo Heather

  2. How fun! Cute cookies and cupcakes. Sounds like it was a wonderful weekend.


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