Friday, May 23, 2014

Felines Fetching

The mornings have been beautiful and the cats have been enjoying the front porch.
Muffin and Oreo

Oreo, Precious and Cupcake

Precious and Cupcake spooning on the bench.
My three youngest cats love to play fetch.  Oreo was the first.  He started fetching a stuffed fish toy.  Now it is usually that or a mouse he carries by the tail.  Every once in a while something weird he should not be playing with and we have to confiscate from him, like the worm he brought me one day.  That sucker was big! Then Custard started playing with him and they like to play keep away from each other and see who can get it first.
Cupcake finally started playing fetch after we moved to Ava.  She will only play with the sparkly pom pom ball.  I got a video the other day, we were watching a cooking video, so that is what you hear in the back ground.
You can also hear Cupcake cooing when she gets excited about us throwing, or if she thinks we are taking too long.

Who needs TV when you have cats?

I am linking up at Feline Friday hosted by Sarah Did IT!  so be sure to hop on over and link up your feline related post!


  1. Hahaha too funny! My cats don't play fetch but my dogs will.

  2. Can Cupcake come teach my crew how to play fetch? That was adorable!

  3. LOL! That's cool! I thought I had the only cat that fetches. Mine will get a pair of folded socks out of the laundry basket and bring it to me. My husband couldn't believe he fetched them when I threw them back in the basket.

  4. We used to have a cat that would play fetch too! Not all do. I loved the video.

  5. Maybe I could teach my chickens to play catch instead of just follow the leader (me)! Too cute!


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