Monday, May 19, 2014

My Weekend

I only did one crafty thing this weekend.  I recovered some old crutches someone gave me.
I really wanted to use my penguin duct tape, but I could not find it.  They were missing one arm pit pad (or whatever they are called) and the other pad kept falling off it was so old.
I just took some one inch foam I had and wrapped it around the handle and then duct taped it.  The hand grips were bad also so I duct taped them and they feel much better now.  Be careful about duct taping the bottom, duct tape is slippery and you do not want to cover the bottom!

Oh, why do I need crutches you ask?

Friday evening I was checking the mail and my mail box is in front of my neighbor's house.  I was walking back to my house and looking at the mail.  My drive way is on an incline and there is gravel between our driveway and the road.  It rained all last week and gravel was all over our driveway and I slipped on it.  I fell forward, slid about an inch.
Praise the Lord my husband was home and he had to come out and help me back in the house. Oreo was looking out the window to see what was wrong with me,   I sobbed for an hour!  My girl kitties were so worried about me and patting me and making sure I was okay.
This is what it looked like on Saturday.  I am going to have a scar in the shape of a sideways M in the middle of my knee.

Please pray I do not have any lingering side effects and that it heals nicely.  I think I am going to try to figure out a way to put a hand crank on a lap table (the kind with legs) so I can sew while sitting here.

The good news is that I had on leggings (it was cold) and a denim skirt which was thick.  It could have been a lot worse and filled with dirt and rocks.  None of my clothes tore which kept it clean.

Have a great week ya'll!


  1. Good Lord! That wound didn't need stitches? All I can say is that you're one lucky gal!

  2. I think you need stitches on that big cut. Oh my. No fun. Sorry. Heal quickly.

  3. Oh my...OUCH!!!! My stomach flipped when I saw your owies!!! Heal fast!!!

  4. That's a bad cut, if not stitches you might need some antibiotics and to use some of those butterfly bandages that pull the skin tight like stitches. Sending prayers that you recover quickly.

  5. Oh my stars you hit the ground hard! I am so sorry. Rest and take care of yourself. I will keep you in my prayers for a speedy healing.

  6. Oh my you must of heard I was mud surfing the other day, and wanted to try it? ;) I never hit the ground but tweaked my back and knee. You are fortunate that it didn't get dirt and gravel in it. Keep it clean, if it is swollen, ice, and heat. And....I am sorry to be the bearer of bad news but as we get older those aches and pains start to really add up. Hugs

  7. Oh my... hope you are feeling better. I had a fall on the weekend too, but not nearly this bad.

  8. Oh goodness, that does look like it needs stitches. Once it all finally closes up and begins to heal, use cocoa butter on the scars. It keeps them soft and relieves the itching.

  9. Ms. Missy.....that laceration needs stitches or butterfly tape.... I sure hope it doesn't get infected... I will be praying for a safe and speedy healing....

  10. Oh, honey!!! That is a RBO!! (Real Bad Owie) Did you got get stitches? How are you doing now?

  11. The EMT in me agrees with the other gals - did you find out if you needed stitches? It's too late now for the stitches but some antibiotics wouldn't hurt. Hope it's healing nicely.

  12. Ouch Missy.. hope you are feeeling better soon



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