Friday, May 30, 2014

Yarn Play - Feline Friday

 My kittens found the box of yarn.  Oreo pulls a ball out and carries it around the house.
 Of course, his sisters want to play too!

 They even wrapped it around the kitchen table and chairs!
 Chris is fixing that ball of yarn to make it a toy for them to play with.
Please excuse the clutter, with my knee things are kind of messy.  The good knees is I am staring to be able to bend it now.



  1. Love the yarn wrapped around the furniture! Even more, I love to see cats carrying their toys. Were they talking to the toy? My Squeaky talks to her toys.

  2. You are such a good kitty momma to let them play in your yarn! They looked to be having so much fun!!

  3. Hahaha!! Embrace the chaos should be your motto, too, Missy! I love that it's wrapped all around your furniture!! :)

  4. Amazing what havoc they can create? Don't worry your house is immaculate compared to mine.


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