Monday, June 16, 2014


I have been after my husband for a few months to tat me some spool pin doilies for a giveaway.  He finally found his tatting needles so he could make some for me.  (yes, my husband tats, he tried to teach me but I could not grasp it).
If you are not familiar with spool pin doilies you put them under your spools of thread on the pin to protect your machine, and make it prettier!

My husband had lots of help making them!
Chris also needs to make sure he keeps his crochet thread put up!  Oreo is sneaky!
I also need to make I don't leave my pin cushions out, look what I found when I came home!
One of my cats pulled my straight pins and safety pins out of my pin cushion.  I am so afraid they are going to swallow one!

For the giveaway, I have two doilies to give away.  To enter, just let me know what color you want, the silver and black one or the multicolored purple one.  I'll draw two names and the first name gets first pick.  I'll announce the winner on the first day of summer, June 21!

Would anyone be interested in buying any for $3 each?  If so, what colors would you be looking for?   If there is an interest, I'll have my husband start making them!



  1. He tats with needles or shuttles?
    (Sorry it wasn't clear from the text or the photo.)

  2. Missy - I would be delighted to purchase one of your dear husband's spool doilies or win one! The fact it was from a fellow SM collector AND tatted (as opposed to crocheted) would make it special.

  3. You have one talented husband. I couldn't get the whole tatting thing either. It's seems too complicated for me.

  4. Cute spool pin doilies. I don't know anyone that Tats. I think my step father (dad's) mom tatted but by the time I was old enough to learn she was blind. LOL Kitties take the pins out. We had one that did that, grandsons put them into color order lines and push them all the way in.

  5. Oh my gosh how cool is that. I would love to buy a couple of lavender ones.

  6. I think it's so sweet that your hubby tats doilies for you. I'd love to learn how. I've been having fun crocheting doilies, but I'm fascinated by the tatted ones!

  7. My spools have to go in sideways so I'll have to pass but I think your husband has done a great job!

  8. Awesome doilies. I especially like the multi-color one (though both are very cute).

  9. Oh boy, I'm going to be bringing my mom's (which was her mom's) Singer treadle sewing machine home to my house one day very soon. I would love to win one of these to dress up the machine that I did so much sewing on years ago!! I like the multi colored one the best. Love that your hubby has such a talent :)

  10. The spool pin doilys are great, especially the rainbow one (I do love bright colors).

  11. Oops, meant to mention that I really need some RED ones. I have several other colors. Something about a lovely RED on these black machines.


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