Friday, June 27, 2014

June Finishes

Good morning everyone!!!  I know it might not be morning where you are, or when you read this, but it is morning to me, soooo Good morning!
 I wrote my June Goals here.  I wrote my goals and then found out my uncle had stage four cancer, so I went back and changed my goals so that I could get a prayer quilt done for him.  Thanks to everybody who sent me blocks I was able to make an over sized throw for my uncle!  Well, right now it is just a flimsy, but today I plan on piecing the back and getting it basted so that I can start the quilting on Sunday.  My cats were great helpers this morning as I was trying to take pictures.  They kept running and sliding across the floor on the quilt top.
 When I had laid all of the blocks out, the browns and whites were pretty evenly spaced, but I must have gotten something turned around when I sewed it together.  See the upper left corner and all that brown?  Oh well, it will do.  I doubt my uncle will notice.
 My goals for this month was to finish 10 blocks of my scrappy trip around the world quilt I started in January 2013.
 Like I said, the fur babies were a lot of help!
 I met that goal!
The goal I changed was refinishing the rocking chair, it got stripped of the old fabric and stuffing, but it is now waiting to be recovered.  Maybe I'll get to it in July.

Did you meet your goals this month?  You still have the weekend to finish them!

                                                       A Lovely Year of Finishes


  1. I think your fur babies are after that penguin on your uncles quilt! Great Scrappy trip, its on my bucket list... along with so many others. I had to enlarge your photos to get a look at all the pretty fabrics.

  2. I met some goals but not all. They'll just go on the list! I have never made a scrappy TAW quilt but it looks like lots of fun. I love scrap quilts and mixing colors. The cats are so cute, my poodle eats my blocks so he's no longer welcome near them. LeeAnna
    not afraid of color

  3. I should pull my trip blocks out again soon since I've got a pile of strips set aside for the next blocks. Maybe I could get the blocks made now and do the "frogging" on vacation....

    Your uncles quilt looks fantastic!!!

  4. Love the quilt, adore the cats. My cat is just as helpful. When I finished on of my BOM for the "A Lovely Year of Finishes" my cat decided to roll all over it, marking it as his, and no one else. Then to make sure I understood who was the boss, every time I laid out my other BOM on my bed, he went under it and left a bump for the picture. Had to take the picture when he was eating!!! They love their food. Glad to see someone else has such helpful helpers. ;) Great job here.

  5. I still have 2 more days until this month is finished. :D Maybe I can finish my farmer's wife blocks at least.

  6. Good to see you got my blocks and you had enough for a good sized lap quilt. May you uncle feel the prayers stitched it.

    Nice scrappy trip blocks.

    Got to love the kitty quilty helpers ... :) Pat


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