Wednesday, June 4, 2014

June Goals

It is time to talk abut my June goals!  Wait, did I say June?  Really?  Already?  I think as you get older time flies a lot faster.  Remember as children it took FOREVER for important events to happen (like birthdays and Christmas)?  Okay, let's get back to the subject on hand!

My goal is to get this rocker (which I introduced ya'll to last week) recovered finally!  I actually decided to move it back into the house.  With all of the rain around here I was afraid it was going to get ruined.  I put this rocking chair out on the porch instead.
 I had totally forgotten that I had bought some home decor fabric for this chair back before we moved from TX seven months ago!  I pulled it back out and it is perfect for my living room, which I am trying to have a theme of grey and turquoise in.  I'll put a different fabric on each side so that it will be reversible.
 My other goal is to get 10 of my scrappy trip around the world blocks sewn together.  I unpicked them and have them ready to go, sitting in a tray.  Pippi decided the tray was a great place to sleep!
 Here it is, all ready to go!
To recap, my goal is to make 10 blocks.  That should be doable!
I changed my goal after finding out about my uncle having stage 4 cancer and am putting his prayer quilt at the top of my priorities.  That is why my goal is now only getting ten blocks done, the rocking chair will still be there once I get my uncle's quilt done!

I wanted to also tell you about a bloggy friend whose daughter is trying to adopt a deaf little boy from China.  Her daughter is trying to raise money by selling necklaces.  It is very expensive to adopt, so please help her!  Her goal is to sell 150 necklaces by Friday.  Of course, any necklaces sold after Friday will still help the cause.  She is also having a contest so you can win your own necklace!  Please read more about it here:  I hope you can help her out!

I hope you have a great week!


A Lovely Year of Finishes


  1. I like the fabrics for your chair, especially the gray! Trip Around the World quilts are so fun. Good luck on your goals.

  2. Love the turquoise and grey fabric and being reversible would be wonderful.


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