Thursday, June 12, 2014

Lazy Summer Days

I was supposed to write this post last week when it was all hot and sunny here in MO, but Friday was super busy for me.  There was a city wide yard sale and sorry, but I was yard saling all day!  LOL
This week has been all rainy, it actually started Thursday last week while I was out yard sale hopping and has not stopped!
Featuring everyone's favorite "room" of the house, the screened in front porch!




Precious now on the bench

Squeeky on the painted bistro table, Custard underneath

Precious on the Adirondack
  chair now.

Oreo under the Adirondack

Custard under the rocking chair and Cupcake in the sunlight.  I accidently "rocked" on Custard's paw yesterday.

Oh the life of being able to sleep in the sun all day!  Well, I have my front porch all ready, the only thing left needed is an outdoor rug!  I can't do any painting since it is a rental, otherwise I might just paint that green rug!  LOL

How are you spending your summer days?

Psalm 74:17  Thou hast set all the borders of the earth: thou hast made summer and winter.


  1. Everyone is getting rain except for us! I was laughing the other day they had rain, downpour about 5 miles North of us, to the point where they were having flooding. We barely got a couple of drops. Ugh which means I need to go water my garden. Oh the life of a well loved kitty.

  2. Your porch looks really nice and comfy! I'm with you though on the green carpet -- oh well... Just curious with all your cats, do you have a favorite cat litter? I've been using world's best (kind of pricey, but supposed to be all natural) and lately they've been tracking it all over the house :(

  3. When we lived in Tulsa, we had a covered, screened in back porch. The previous owners had even added a ceiling fan. That fan was WONDERFUL! If I ever get another screened in porch, I'm adding a ceiling fan. I mailed the blocks yesterday morning.


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