Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Row, Row, Row Your Quilt!

I got all of the blocks sewed into rows.
I forgot to take a picture of them all laying out, I got side tracked taking cute cat pictures!

Her sister Custard

I did get two more blocks on Saturday from Sarah at Sarah Did It!  She hosts a Feline Friday Linky party every Friday, so if you have any posts with your cats it, be sure to link it up!  I'll be linking up this one!  LOL  She really likes Hexies and has a hexie party on the 17th of each month also.
I only had to make two more blocks to finish up the quilt!  I had to clean up some stuff in my sewing room so I could lay it out in there and sew the rows together on my treadle.  That is my goal today.  Tomorrow I hope to get the back pieced together and the quilt basted tomorrow evening.  My husband will have to help me baste the quilt because I still can't get on my knees after hurting mey knee a month ago.

If you want to see the rows all set out, my husband thought it would be fun to play fetch with Cupcake on the quilt blocks and video it!  LOL  She is so cute with her sparkly pom pom ball in her mouth!

What are you up to this week?



  1. Cute video. I have been binding for hours and I most definitely need to call it a night.

  2. Thanks for the double shout out! Sorry again that my blocks were late. The quilt looks fantastic and the cats certainly enjoyed it =^..^=

  3. I'm amazed how your other cats just lay there or sit there and pay attention. I would think they would join in the fun!

  4. Adorei o vídeo, ela é muito fofa e muito esperta, nenhum dos meus gatos traz a bola de volta para mim, fiquei impressiona.


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