Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Have Hand crank, Will Travel!

Normally I have a lot of time to sew in the hotel when I go with my husband to his work conference.  I actually did not get much sewing done this time because I hung out with a couple of other wives who had come with their husbands also.

I wanted to work on my Scrappy trip around the world quilt but I already had the blocks all laid out and ready to sew.  I couldn't carry them on the tray  because they might spill.  So what is a girl to do?  I laid the blocks (which I had already separated out with finished blocks in between)on a hand towel and just rolled the towel up and secured with rubber bands!  It worked perfect!  It also fit great in the sewing machine case.
I just laid everything out in the sewing room, but I did have to ask for a new ironing board since the one in the room was broken, I think someone let their child hang on it.
I had a huge window behind me that let in a lot of light!  I am using my 99 hand crank which is a 3/4 size of a 66.  Perfect for traveling!
Yes, I moved the lamps around too!  LOL  I loved the desk in the room!  Since his work was paying for it we were staying at the Hyatt Regency which was a very nice hotel.
I only got four blocks done, but that was four more then I would have done otherwise!

I also worked on some hand quilting int the car, my problem is that I am either sleeping, helping my husband watch for signs, or am busy looking at the scenery so I do not get much done.
Do you like to quilt when you travel?



  1. Sounds like you're having a wonderful trip with hubby. I do a lot of hand-sewing when we travel also. We listen to audio books while my husband drives and I sew. Great projects you have going.🌲

  2. I don't travel much except occasionally for my work and then there is no time to do anything, in fact they barely let us stay the night unless it's too late to return. What does your husband do that allows you all to travel? That's nice that you can go too.

  3. It I travel it is to go visit family and they keep me so busy I don't have a moment to sew.


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