Thursday, July 3, 2014

Nine Patch Finished!

I finally finished our prayer quilt for my uncle!  I got it mailed today.  I love the binding material that Allison sent me, it was the perfect touch!
 It was a simple block, but I just love it!  My signature penguin block is right in the middle!
I just love how wrinkly and loved on the quilt looks after it has been washed and dried!
Pippi decided to take a nap on my quilt while I was quilting it.  Of course, isn't that what quilts are for?
She was really hamming it up for the camera and I took a ton of pictures of her!
I was trying to get some good pictures of the cats on the quilts, but they would not cooperate!
Why is it that when I do not want them on the quilt, they won't get off, but when I want them on the quilt, they won't stay?  LOL
I actually had Cupcake moved over and lined up with her brother and sister and went to take the picture, and a car peeled out on the street and all three cats jumped up to investigate - so irritating!

Please continue to pray for Uncle Johnny.  The chemo and radiation is not working and the tumor is getting bigger.  I am not sure what their next step is.



  1. Turned out gorgeous Missy. Isn't that always the way, the kids never cooperate for pictures. Praying for your uncle, and sending hugs to you.

  2. Your quilt turned out gorgeous. Your uncle is in my prayers.

  3. sending hugs and prayers for your Uncle. Hugs (ps another great labor of love on your part great shades of blues too)

  4. It looks wonderful and very cozy. Sending prayers for your uncle.

  5. The quilt turned out great. I'm sure it will bring comfort to your uncle.

  6. So sorry to hear the treatments aren't working yet. I hope your uncle finds comfort in his quilt - especially with all the cat lovin' on it =^,,^=


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