Tuesday, October 14, 2014

caning jars update

 Talk about photo bombing!  I put my blocks on the floor to get a picture, and I do not have one picture without a cat in it!  Custard and Oreo were being pretty stubborn and were not happy when I moved them to pick up the blocks!
This is all I have done the past few days, I did complete one whole block though!  I have not gotten my blocks back from the swap yet, my poor husband, every day I come home from work and make him walk out to the mailbox and check the mail.  (It's been pouring so I've been making him go).  I just love that orange fabric I found and I have a lot of it!   For those making canning blocks, does anyone want to trade for some oranges, carrots, brussel sprouts or peanuts?  I ran out of black material when making my blocks and did not make as many as I wanted to send.  I'll share a picture of what I get as soon as I get them!  LOL



Custard again
Everybody are brothers and sisters, except Pippi who is their aunt - LOL
If you have made a canning jar block quilt can you share pictures so that I can see it? Feel free to share your link in the comments section!

Thank you,


  1. Custard and Pipi have interesting face markings, cute!

  2. Those kitties look hungry! Is it the Kona black fabric that you need? It's easy to get here. I have some already.

  3. I think that they were telling you that you needed to change up your block layout. They were just giving their feline advice. Cute jars.


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