Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Whoops and a laugh

Whoops!  I think I need to pay more attention to the block I am sewing then to the TV!  I guess
I will just have to fix it tomorrow then because it is time for bed.  I have ladies bible study at 8:15 am and then work after that.

I took some really cute (and one very funny) picture of my kittens.  Did I ever tell you how I got my "kittens"?   A very controlling man told my friend, 30 minutes before they were to move out of state, that she could not take the seven week kittens with her and had to leave them behind.  So who do you think she called?  Me of course, we fell in love with them and now have eight cats.  They are now over a year old and have some of the best personalities!  Just goes to show that God can always take good out of a bad situation.  They are all brother and sisters.
Cupcake in mid-yawn in one of her favorite spots - my chair.

Oreo in one of his favorite spots, a basket with a pillow.

Custard who thinks the love seat belongs only to her.
I hope everyone has a very blessed day!

I am going to link up with Sarah at her Feline Friday on Friday!  Be sure to link up any cat posts you have!


  1. I've made those kinds of oops before ;-D
    I love custards colors. I did a double take just to make sure that's it's one cat. Love the uniqueness. She's beautiful!1949

  2. But look how perfectly you lined up those points!

  3. cute kitties. my two have stories too. Phoebe picked us by tapping on hubs shoulder as we waited for the gal at the shelter to show us a cat. Phoebe won! Dunkin was found in a dumpster at 7wks old crying. we took him in and named him Dunkin after the Dunkin Donuts dumpster he was found in. he is a lovebug and I dont know what I would do without him in my life. God does work in mysterious ways......

  4. Cupcake definitely understands Catmo....:D They are so cute.

  5. I have done the same thing, you sew and then lay it out and can't believe that you did something like that!

    I really love Custard's facial markings! It's almost like two cats put together.

  6. Love all the pics of your kitties. I need to rejoin Feline Friday...but it's been pretty lonely around here being down to one cat again after our daughter reclaimed her babies now that she's back in the US. I think my Smokey needs a companion. :)

  7. Those cats look like they have such personality!

  8. It's always fun when cats have their own fav spots!!! Yup - I've made mistakes before and it's definitely time to quit when that happens. :)


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