Monday, February 16, 2015

Kay an EE Toy Sewing Machine

 Look what I got Saturday!  A Kay an EE toy sewing machine!  I found more information on it  It is German made from the 40s.
 Unfortunately some of the paint is chipping off.  I could not see the tiny hole in the needle to thread it, maybe I will try again later, but the needle is very dull and had trouble piercing the piece of material I put in it.
 We finally had a snow day today!  My husband made sure to feed the birds and we had a ton f birds out there!
 Then my husband decided to throw Oreo in the snow.
 I stayed in my pajamas all day and ironed material that needed to be cut and cleaned up my sewing room.
We were off from school because of President's day, but tomorrow is an official snow day, I'll spend the day quilting!  I'm almost done with the borders on my log cabin quilt, I'll share that tomorrow!

Did you get hit with snow?



  1. Love your pink toy sewing machine!
    I live in southern Massachusetts and we're buried in snow with more coming tomorrow.

  2. Love your little pink chain stitcher! Those evolved from traditional chain stitch machines, so I'm wondering if it just takes a regular sewing machine needle.
    It's just as cute as cute can be--and to think it's also pink!!!

  3. Well isn't that just the cutest little sewing machine, great find!
    We got a little snow yesterday about 4 inches, it's nothing compared to other parts of the U.S.

  4. What a cute little machine. We didn't get the snow just a skiff, we got the bitter cold.

  5. I have a collection of toy sewing machines.. but nothing as cute as that one! Enjoy it. Hope Oreo recovered from the snow!

  6. Not only did we get hit with snow, but also 120 km/hour northeast winds, followed by freezing rain, followed by even more snow. It lasted for 48 hours...we're still digging out!!!! I am so over winter...

  7. Enjoy your new toy machine. We didn't get snow, thank goodness, but, we're fixing to get hit with sub-zero temps and the wind chills are already there.

  8. Oh I am so happy when you went back you where able to get it. You found a sweet little machine.


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