Thursday, March 5, 2015

Pinwheels, Snow and Cats!

 I made four more yellow pinwheels!  These ones have bumble bees, every picnic has to have bees!  I have a total of 17 made so far!
 The quilt is getting big for a throw and I still have several more triangles cut.  It does not look like I'll need to cut any green pinwheels, I can always use it on the back though!
We have had a lot of snow and my husband asked me to make him an orange meringue pie that he saw on the internet.

Oreo checking out the snow
My babies have been keeping warm snuggled in their beds and quilts.
Oreo and Cupcake, brother and sister

My front yard while it was still snowing!

So far we have only had school on Tuesday this week, I'll find out later if we have school tomorrow.  I live in a rural community, which means even if the roads are clear in town, there are still teachers and students who cannot get out of their driveways who live in the country.  Next week is Spring Break, I have to take time away from quilting to clean my house.  I am having a tea party the 21st and I need my house spotless!

Have a great day!


  1. Cute fabrics! Orange pie? Now thats a new one to me, sounds DELICIOUS!

  2. The pinwheels are looking great and so is that meringue pie! Lemon meringue is one of my favorites but I'll bet that orange is yummy too!

  3. Your pinwheels are looking good. Oh Spring break, after so many weeks of cold and snow I could use it, but I don't think our is until the first week of April. :S

  4. Cute pinwheels! Our cats have been hiding from the snow. They go out for awhile but want back in. I'm getting pretty tired of it even though we have not had as much snow this year as in the past. Spring is around the corner thank goodness!

  5. I am loving your picnic quilt fabrics! Stay warm with your kitty babies and maybe you can soon take your quilt on a real picnic!

  6. Awwww, I always love to see your sweet kitties!! Y'all got some snow, didn't you??! :)

  7. I tried to make meringue one time. It never got stiff. We're expecting 50 degrees next week. Our snow will finally melt! Yipee! I'm getting tired of white. I want to see some GREEN.

  8. Missy, I very much enjoy reading your blog, especially your news about your cats and vintage sewing machines! Don't know how you get so much done and work too. Hope to see you at the Arkansas TOGA in October!

    Gina in Missouri

  9. Sweet pinwheels and kitty photos Missy!
    The flamingos around your bird feeder, in the snow, cracked me up!

  10. Your pinwheels are wonderful! So bright and happy. I haven't heard of an orange pie either. I see a google search in my future!

  11. Love those yellow pinwheels!!

  12. Thanks so much for linking up to Fiber Tuesday!


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