Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Quilt Shop Hop

Saturday I went on my first quilt shop hop, my husband drove me around.  I got some great deals on fabric.  Fabric in these small Missouri towns are much more reasonably priced then the bigger stores!
There was two hours driving one way from Ava, to Spring Willow, to Birch Tree to West Plains, and then one and half hours home from West Plains.  My husband even took the initiative to buy me a Quilter's calculator!

 My husband and I finished the baker's rack!  It was originally black with green flecks.
 I wanted to include some pictures of my kitties.  Oreo and Cupcake are sharing a basket here. Brother and sister holding hands!
 Pippi commandeered my pile of folded quilts before I could put them up.
 My husband works from home and the cats kept trying to sleep on his laptop while he was working.  I suggested he put a cat bed on his desk.  The cats love it, here is Custard sound asleep out of his way.  LOL
We are in the fourth quarter of school and boy is there a lot of paper work this quarter, I have been super busy and have not had much time for quilting.  So far it has taken me three days to make one flower box block for the Sew Sweet Bee!  Tonight I cut a wrong piece, the material was foldeed under, so I need to cut that piece again and sew it again.  I have Friday off, but I have to drive all the way to Springfield for an ultrasound.  It is an hour away and I really do not want to drive it by myself, or go to the doctor by myself, but that's okay.  Chris says he can take off if I need him to, I'm just trying to decide if I am being a baby or not.  LOL

Happy Spring everyone!


  1. How fun you got to experience your first quilt shop hop and your husband helped to drive you around. I've joined such hops where husbands of friends drove us around but I don't think my husband would ever consider it. Still, it can be a fun way to see quilt shops in your area and get inspired. Glad you had such fun. Just wish I could have joined you.


  2. Looks like you had a fun! Last year I had hubby drive me around too.

  3. Great finds, sounds like the shop hop was fun. I have yet to have the "right time" to go to one.

  4. That sounds like it was fun! They have them here too but I've not gone. I do have that calculator and I love it. I don't do more than calculate yardage but it sure helps.

  5. I guess I am a baby too. I don't like driving long distances by myself. I get very tense and I have a lot of floaters in my eyes, so I am always trying to see clearly on the highway. My husband will usually drive and I have great quilty friends who will drive to quilt events. Great you had such a good time on the shop hop!

  6. Hope the ultrasound results are good. The Bakers rack is great in the white. Nice and fresh looking. Glad you got to go to the West Plains quilt shop.

  7. Oreo and Cupcake look like they are in an Easter basket! Backer's rack looks fantastic! Do u keep ur cookbooks on it? Good luck with the ultrasound ... Hope it's nothing terribly serious.


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