Sunday, March 22, 2015

Spring Tea

I had a Spring Tea on Saturday, it was a lot of fun!  I invited a few ladies to come over and we wore our Spring dresses and hats.  Of course I had to wear one of my vintage hostess aprons!
 My friend Clarissa gave me the carnations and my friend Carol gave me the lacey mat under them!  That was so sweet!
I used my mug rugs under the tea cups and gave one to each of my friends who came.

 For dessert I made Cherry meringue dessert, I got the recipe from Taste of Home years ago and made individual desserts with the meringue.  (recipe here) I only had four green napkins so my napkin was yellow.  :)
 I loved the bacon wrapped asparagus!  (recipe here)
There were five of us.  Clarissa said next time to ask people to help with the food, that would make it easier and cheaper!  LOL

 This was my food table.
I did not really like the cucumber sandwiches but did like the pineapple, pecan cream cheese sandwiches, they just needed some more pecans.  4 oz cream cheese, a drained small can of crushed pineapple and I would put at least 1/2 cup to 1 cup of chopped pecans.  I also made balsamic strawberries with whipped cream.  Yum!  (recipe here)
 Of course I had to make Earl Grey Tea cookies!  (recipe here)
I have decided to have a tea every Spring and Fall.  I think the one in the fall might be a whimsical Mad Hatter party.

Did you do anything to celebrate Spring?



  1. Your tea looked like so much fun. The food looks yummy too!

  2. A successful tea party, what more could you ask for. I"ll bet you all had such a good time. We don't do much for Spring other than BBQ or prep the garden.

  3. Looks like you girls had a lovely time. No girly girl things going on around here. I haven't been to a tea party since my daughter was little. No celebrating spring here, spring means let the work begin!

  4. What a fun time. Very special. Your mug rugs also look so cute.


  5. It all looks lovely, and it looks like you had a wonderful day. I celebrated Spring by shoveling more snow. LOL

  6. What a delightful Tea you put together Missy! You have very nice friends and it looks like you all had a good time!

  7. Everything looks so good, my stomach just growled!!

  8. Looks like y'all had a lot of fun. The food looks yummy.

  9. What a fun idea to celebrate Spring! I love the Mad Hatter Tea Party idea for Fall too. This brought back memories of having tea parties when I was little, as well as with my own girls when they were little, and now with my grandson, although those don't happen often enough as he's far away.

  10. Oh, what fun! nothing special this way, but I sure am happy that it is finally here! The forsythia bushes are bursting with yellow and that makes me happy, happy, happy!!

  11. Excellent! I organize a tea a few times a year. It's fun to see someone else do it. We don't do the hats or the dressing up (it's more about the food). I love the group photo and that you gave away mug rugs. Wonderful!

  12. Your photos are lovely. It looks like such a nice time. :)


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