Saturday, May 9, 2015

Binding the monster!

This is how I started out my week.  I spent one evening cutting my 2 1/2 inch strips for my binding and sewing the pieces together.  I changed my needle when I finished my quilting because I could not remember the last time I changed it and I had just quilted a 108" quilt.  I also cleaned out the lint real quick, nothing intensive.
 I pinned my binding on (I would love some wonder clips!) and Pippi decided that would be a great time to take a bath.  She got moved.
 My stitching was all messed up!  I changed the thread, re-threaded the top and bobbin threads, unscrewed things and did an extensive cleaning and oiling, and it was still messing up!  I asked on if anyone had any suggestions.  It was suggested to try a different needle since it was working just fine before.  That was it!  I learn so much from people who have been doing this a lot longer then me!  I don't know if it was a wrong needle or if maybe there was just a burr on it, I'm just glad my 137 year old was giving me perfect stitches again!
Oreo helping me thread my machine

Oreo taking a cat nap while I found out what was wrong with my stitches
 I got to the end of sewing my binding on and I needed to fold the ends under.  I did not want to take the time to pull out my iron, ironing board, move the quilt etc., so I grabbed my straightening iron and it worked perfect!  Easy Peasy!
 I am finished!  It just took me two years and five months!  Everything was done on either a hand crank sewing machine or a treadle.  The quilting and binding was done on m Industrial Singer 16 treadle sewing machine.
This thing is HUGE!
In fact, it is so big it would not fit in my home machine and I had to take it to the laundromat!

 For the backing I took my favorite flannel sheets, which is queen size and never get used since I have a king size bed, and used it.  It is yellow with penguins on it.  I also used some blue plaid flannel for a side and some very soft white for a strip.  As you can tell I was not worried about straight lines!
 Here is the front!  I just quilted circles in each square.  The squares finish at two inches.

This pattern is one of Bonnie Hunter's patterns, you can find it here:

I'm sorry I don't have better pictures, it has been raining all week.  I did get some pictures of it on my bed, which I will share in another post since this one has so many pictures!


Acts 20:24  But none of these things move me, neither count I my life dear unto myself, so that I might finish my course with joy, and the ministry, which I have received of the Lord Jesus, to testify the gospel of the grace of God.


  1. Bindings can be difficult. About a year ago, I discovered the glue binding technique from Quilting Board. Someone shared Sharon Schamber's Binding the Angel youtube video. It was such a wonderful cure to cips, pins, and perfection every time I have used it- over 30 quilts of all sizes. I just taught it to me guild. I machine stitch both sides of the binding, but you could hand sew the back; however you would not need clips or pins!

  2. I am so thrilled you finished the quilt, and love the flannel backing it is going to be such a cherished quilt.

  3. Wow great finish! I can't believe you made a king size quilt, all the stitch on a hand crank or a treadle machine, incredible!!

  4. A wonderful quilt, and I LOVE your machines!

  5. Hello Missy Shay,

    I love your quilt, and the whole series of pictures tell such a great story, from frustration to joy. Congratulations on the finish!

    I always use just a couple (3 at the most) of hair grips to attach my binding, and move them along as I sew. These two posts might be helpful:-

    Love, Muv


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