Friday, June 12, 2015

Feline Friday

We bought some catnip bubbles from Wal-Mart and my cats love them, especially Oreo!  He is like a little child playing with them.

Just don't tell my husband I posted a picture of him!  LOL  My lap top died so I can't download any pictures off my camera. I'm glad I have a tablet to do my blogging on, but that means the only photos I have to use are off my phone.

I got my staples out yesterday, it is not supposed to hurt, but I thought it really hurt!  Some of it had scabbed over and my skin hurts on my abdomen from where the insides are healing from the surgery.  I think that is why it hurt so bad for me.  The good news is that I feel so much better now and I have a lot more mobility without those staples tugging and pulling.  

I'm linking up at Feline Friday at Sarah Did It!

Have a great weekend ya'll!



  1. So glad you are progressing! Still praying that you are back to your old self soon!

  2. So glad to hear you are becoming more mobile - that along can make a person feel better :) Love the bubbles - might have to try that with my clouder and see what they do

  3. I am thrilled to see you are posting and are recovering well. I never believe anyone in the medical profession who say something doesn't hurt or have bad side effects. Love seeing the kitties. I recently bought a refurbed laptop by the manufacturer and it saved me half. Same warranty as a new one.

  4. Yea! You are getting better. Heal quickly, so that you will be completely recovered before the AR TOGA.

  5. Wahoo! Another step forward! Good for you :)

  6. Good to hear you're on the mend. I've always heard that people with house pets and positive attitudes recover faster. So you should be in tip top shape in no time! Sending hugs and prayers for a speedy recovery.

  7. Cute video of the kitties. Obviously Oreo is into the bubbles, the others--not so much. You had a lot of staples to take out so I am sure that it was painful. Glad you are feeling better now. Take it slow, it will get a little better every day.

  8. I am glad you are feeling better. I liked the video on YouTube!

  9. So happy to hear of your progress! Just don't try to do too much too soon. There's a lot of healing still going on after stitches/staples are removed. And that video is the cutest!!

  10. Oh Missy
    I am so sorry I didn't know you had been so ill you poor girl! Glad that you are on the mend now though. Thinking very best thoughts, prayers and sending love your way.


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