Friday, July 31, 2015

Feline Friday

Pippi surprised us this morning with a very big worm she brought into the kitchen.  I took a picture and then made my husband take it outside.  She was meowing so sweetly because she was so excited about it!
 I had to take a picture of the sisters cuddling and camouflaging with the couch!  I love my calicoes!
 I got a new rug and the cats love it!

My friend gave me a wooden rig that has pinwheels on it!  She said it made her think of me!
Be sure to share any kitty posts you have at Sarah's Feline Friday linky party!

Have a furry day!!

Don't forget the Pets on Quilts Show is August 17  lots of cute pictures, and prizes too!

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Single Wedding Ring Quilt

I love Vintage quilts and I saw one in a magazine, but it did not tell the name of the block.  I was going through the free patterns at Jolly Jabber/Fat Quarter Shop's blog and found the block!  It is called a Single Wedding Ring Quilt Block.  They have a free block pattern you can download here. on their website.   I am the Queen Bee of the Sew Sweet Bee in August.  I am going to do this block, and I am going to make it king size for my bed next summer.  I am going to need to make a lot of blocks!  LOL
I did change up the pattern by making the center a different color from the outside triangles.  That means six 3 1/2 inch squares of the outside color and 2 of the inside color and then four 3 inch squares of the inside color. The white colors stay the same, does this make since?   I did make my squares just a tiny bigger and then squared up my HST to 3 inches when I was done.  Several people recommended that on the blog hop.  At first, I just cut enough for two blocks so I could play around with them and see what I liked best and how many colors were needed for what part.
As for what colors I want.  I want three colors used, red, aqua and yellow.  Each block should be a combination of two of those colors.  I want a low volume, white print used.  If I decide to use sashing, (I might just decide to sew it without any)I am going to use this fabric until I run out, I only have a yard, I think.
I really like the quilt here, and is the one I am patterning my background fabrics after.  I love the colors in his quilt!  To get an idea of background fabrics be sure to check that quilt out!
There are a lot of pieces in this block and I found that I had to pay attention while sewing it together or I messed it up.  I want to thank my fellow Sew Sweet Bee members for my blocks!  BTW, the colors in my pictures are funky next to the color of my carpet.


Monday, July 27, 2015

Vintage Quilts

I got to see my family while we were on vacation.  My Aunt Ginny had some vintage quilts she wanted to share with me.  Some of the fabric in the quilts are actual feed sack material.  My Aunt Ginny (not by blood, but my mom's best friend) is on the left and my Aunt Debbie (my mom's sister in law) is on the right.  The first quilt was made by her grandmother over 60 years ago.
 These nine patches were made from 1 1/2 inch squares, finishing at one inch!  They were very small!
 I loved how the rows were situated.
 It is hand quilted with a baptist fan pattern.
 She also had a Sunbonnet Sue quilt!  I'm not sure how old it is.

 My niece, Johnna was fascinated with it!
 This quilt was a wedding present from her grandmother.  She was 16 when she got married to her 17 year old husband.  She is now 75!  It is called a water wheel block.

 Remember my green log cabin quilt I just finished?  I gave it to Aunt Ginny while I was there and she surprised me with an afghan that she quilted for me!  We surprised each other!  Here is the quilt I made her.  (That's my mom in the back)
I just love vintage quilts and had so much fun seeing her quilts!

Do you have vintage quilts?


Be sure to check out these linky parties!

Fort Worth Fabric Studio


Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Look who I met!

The only thing about going out of town is that I can't let people know that I will be gone for security reasons.  I knew that Donna from Donna's Lavender Nest lived in TX though, so we got to meet!  (Shh, next year we are going to Miami, FL)
 She is as sweet in person as she is on her blog!  She is the coordinator of the Sew Sweet Bee I am a member of,  I'm still surprised I was invited to join when she first started it!  It is a lot fun!
 This is the blocks I made for this month, a simple nine patch.  I made three while I was in the hotel in San Antonio.  It still needs to be squared up and mailed.
 When I got home, I unpacked a trinket box my husband had bought that is Route 66 themed.  Muffin had to get in the box right away, even though he really did not fit.  He was really sad when Chris made him get out.  LOL
I have been working hard to get my classroom ready for school to start in three weeks.  The only thing I do not like about MO is the humidity caused mold to grow on the wooden furniture this summer.  I had to scrub everything!  At least that is done now!  I keep changing my mind about how I want to arrange the furniture and move it every day.  I am trying to optimize my space, but I am insisting on an awesome space for my Science corner.  I want the kids to be excited about it, but we need room for desks and we don't want the room to look cluttered!

Have a great sewing day ya'll!


Monday, July 20, 2015

Drunkard's Path Quilt

 We took a road trip to San Antonio last week for a work conference my husband had to attend.
Before we left, I sewed the binding to the front of my quilt.
In the car, I hand stitched the binding to the back of the quilt.  This was my first time to do it by hand.
I had to take pictures of my quilt on the river walk!

 People probably thought I was crazy laying a quilt on the ground and standing on a chair to take a picture with all of those people walking by!   Hey, I'm a determined blogger and it's washable!  Which I did wash it today and hang it in my living room for now.  The binding was not quite done before we left San Antonio, but I finished it in the car that evening after we left.
Dora from Dora Quilts also quilted feathers on this quilt for me.  That is why I had not quilted it yet, I wanted feathers but my feathers are terrible!
You can see better pictures of the quilting on her blog here:
Be sure to check out the great job she did!

I used a vintage sheet for the backing, I love to do that because it adds character and is cheaper then buying yardage!  The binding was not done in this picture as you can tell by all of the clips!

I got the blocks from a fellow treadle quilter, that story is here.  I finished piecing the top together (with borders) at a quilt retreat in TX right before I moved a couple of years ago.  I am so glad it is finished!  This was my second quilt to get bound this month!

I have a lot more pictures to show you from trip!  Stay tuned for some great vintage quilts!

Monday, July 6, 2015

Log Cabin Quilt

I am so happy to have finished my scrappy log cabin.  This was my first log cabin quilt, but it won't be my last!  My friend Dora Scheer from Dora Quilts asked me if she could quilt it for me, of course my answer was yes!  She did a great job and quilted it with gold thread that looks wonderful!

You can really see it on my pieced back.  I just used a lot of my odd pieces of green fabric on the back.

All I had to do when I got it back was bind it!  She sent back the pieces she cut off from the backing of the quilt, so I cut it into 2 1/2 inch strips to make a scrappy binding.

I found these clips in my scrap booking stuff which worked great alongside my wonder clips.

I am going to give this quilt to my mom's best friend who I call Aunt Ginny.
 I took pictures of the quilt in my front yard, I thought all the greens were a great background for my scrappy greens.
After seeing the finished quilt, I almost want to keep the quilt myself!

Update on my health:
I am feeling better each day, I still have a few pains and my belly button still hurts.  I get frustrated having to stop so often when I am trying to get my quilting done, but I know that it is just part of my healing process.

Have a great week ya'll!