Monday, July 6, 2015

Log Cabin Quilt

I am so happy to have finished my scrappy log cabin.  This was my first log cabin quilt, but it won't be my last!  My friend Dora Scheer from Dora Quilts asked me if she could quilt it for me, of course my answer was yes!  She did a great job and quilted it with gold thread that looks wonderful!

You can really see it on my pieced back.  I just used a lot of my odd pieces of green fabric on the back.

All I had to do when I got it back was bind it!  She sent back the pieces she cut off from the backing of the quilt, so I cut it into 2 1/2 inch strips to make a scrappy binding.

I found these clips in my scrap booking stuff which worked great alongside my wonder clips.

I am going to give this quilt to my mom's best friend who I call Aunt Ginny.
 I took pictures of the quilt in my front yard, I thought all the greens were a great background for my scrappy greens.
After seeing the finished quilt, I almost want to keep the quilt myself!

Update on my health:
I am feeling better each day, I still have a few pains and my belly button still hurts.  I get frustrated having to stop so often when I am trying to get my quilting done, but I know that it is just part of my healing process.

Have a great week ya'll!


  1. You two make a great team! The quilt is gorgeous.

  2. Missy, the quilt is gorgeous. The colors are so soothing! Congratulations on a quilt well done. Glad to hear you are healing up. What is the next project?

  3. How proud you must be of this wonderful quilt. And, how nice to give it to a friend of your mom's. Wonderful colors and great quilting.

  4. Such a lovely quilt! I can see why you might want to keep it, but I'm sure Aunt Ginny will treasure such a lovely remembrance. Glad to hear you are feeling better!

  5. Gorgeous! You're sew lucky to have friends offer to quilt for you. Feathers are my favorite.

  6. what a lovely quilt! Great choice of colours. I've been admiring log cabin quilts a lot recently, I wonder if there's one in my future.

  7. This LC is a beauty Missy! You and Dora do make a great team.
    I'm glad you are feeling better every day! It is definitely a long process for recovery.

  8. Glad you are doing better. Great quilt, I'm sure Aunt Ginny will love it.

  9. What a beautiful quilt! I love the colors you chose and how the greens stand out on the lighter background.
    Thank you for sharing with Fiber Tuesdays!

  10. Great work...thanks for sharing with the Thursday Blog Hop!

  11. Love your green log cabin. It is my most favorite pattern.

  12. I know Aunt Ginnie will be thrilled when she gets her quilt! What a nice friend you have that did the quilting for you. The quilt is lovely and will be loved for many years

  13. I love log cabin quilts (I think I've made 7). They're so versatile ... change the setting, and you get an entirely different looking quilt. I want to make at least one more set in a star pattern. I'm glad you're healing up and am praying that you'll be back to normal soon.

  14. I think the back of quilts is a perfect place to use up leftover fabric. I do it often. It reduces scraps and saves money on quilt backs.

    Your finish is lovely.


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