Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Hearts Made Whole by Jody Hedlund

I read Hearts Made Whole  by Jody Hedlund before I went into the hospital and had it read in like three days!  It is such a great. easy to read book that really captures your interest.  It is book 2 in the Beacons of Hope series but you do not have to read the first book before reading this one, although I would highly recommend reading the first one also!
Jody has a novella set before book one, free on Amazon right now.  You can get it here.
The book is centered around a light house keeper who is trying to keep her job when it has been given to a disturbed veteran of the Civil War.
You can find out more about the author, Jody Hedlund on her website,  If for no other reason, at least check out her website so you can see her pretty hair.
I have read a lot of her books and just love her writing style, I hope you do too!


1 comment:

  1. Thank you. I have really changed the types of books I read over the last 10 years or so. I want nice books and the ones you read seem to be. I don't want scary or zombie books, etc. I've taken to picking up older books at the thrift store, they are new to me. I'll keep an eye out for this author.


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