Sunday, August 23, 2015

Binding Tip

Everybody has their own way of making binding.  I am going to share with you my way, and if you want to share any tips, please do!
I start off with a 2 1/2 inch strip.  The first thing I do is fold it in half length wise and iron it to give me a fold down the center.

Then next thing I do is fold each side to meet in the center and iron again.
Then I fold it together again and iron once more to put the crease back.

I use the creases as my guides when I sew my binding on.

I'm still learning new techniques for sewing on my binding and hope to one day buy one of those binding makers and see how they work.  Have you ever used one?

I have to leave you with a cute cat picture laying on the quilt with the binding from above.
Pippi and Muffin
I am linking up to a new linky party at Podunk Pretties, Friday will be a linky party at Quilt Shop Gal.
Don't forget to vote for my entry into the Pets on Quilts Show, voting begins on August 27!

Have a great day ya'll!



  1. I used to do my binding this way also. Not sure why I stopped? Gonna give this method another go on my next binding. Thanks for linking up, and good luck in the drawing!

  2. I like a narrow binding so I cut mine 2 1/4". I have a few ways of dong my binding depending on the project.

  3. I have a little binding gadget. Sometimes I use it, but other times I don't bother.

  4. I just do the double fold, and I finally can remember how to do it at the place where it comes together without looking up a tutorial!

  5. I've used this method when doing bias binding for circular pot holders but don't do it for quilts. I start with the same 2-1/2" strip but fold it in half lengthwise and press. The raw edges of the binding strip go along the raw edge of the quilt. I tend to stitch 3/8" instead of 1/4" because when I fold the strip to the back for hand stitching along the folded edge I want to just cover the seam line which will insure that my binding is full and doesn't have any flat places in it. That's a big plus for those who wish to enter quilts into any sort of competition. I've heard judges will ding you when they find gaps along the edge of the binding. This method also gives you two layers of fabric on the quilt edge which is a good thing for a quilt that gets a lot of use. It keeps the binding from wearing out as quickly as a binding with only one layer on the edge would do.

  6. Great tip! I would definitely need the folds as guidelines! I don't sew a lot, but I am loving the clips you used. I have always used pins. Not next time!
    Thank you for sharing with #FiberTuesdays!


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