Monday, August 17, 2015

Pets On Quilt Show 2015

Today is the official start of the Pets On Quilts Show at Lily Pad Quilting! (vote here, I am number 14 and entered cats on quilts) I look forward to this show every year!  This year I am submitting a picture of Custard and Cupcake on the cats on quilts category.  They are sisters and are so sweet in this picture!   Be sure to go and vote for your favorite entry, of course I hope you vote for me!!
Of course, right before that picture was taken, they were fighting while their brother Oreo slept in the background!

This quilt is my Scrappy Trip around the World quilt that took me two years to finish!  They liked laying on the quilt pieces while I was making it two years ago and know they love that it is finished!


Tiger and Oreo


Before I leave, I want to show you the rest of my cats (at least 7 out of 8).
Pippi, Precious, Oreo, Muffin, Tiger, Cupcake and Custard!
Thank you for visiting my blog!!



  1. Hi! Your quilts are beautiful and the kittens most cute! Oh the last photo is fantastic! x Teje

  2. They're all so cute, the first picture of them snuggled up together made me smile, but the fighting made me laugh. That last picture of 7 is amazing, how did you get them to stay still like that?

  3. How they have grown since last year's entry. I love that they all sit on the quilt together.

  4. Haha - just like kids: adorable and sweet one moment and fighting the next. You probably have the best display of cats on quilt, based on number alone Missy. The Trip quilt makes a wonderful background.

  5. Awe cute and how unfair to use the kids as kittens everyone loves a baby.

  6. Adorable - especially the photo of all of them sitting on the quilt. How lovely. A wonderful entry.

  7. Your Trip Around the World is beautiful! I love the photo of Oreo sprawled out and upside down. Thank you for sharing your kitties on quilts!

  8. Beautiful furbabies - just love the last photo!

  9. What a fantastic photo of the kitties all wrapped up really reminds me of a quilt I entered into the Pets on Quilts Show one year.......the center block is 4 kitties and their tails are all curled into the center block which is the snails trails block........your quilts are gorgeous!

  10. Such sweet babies....hope it was play fighting! How lucky are you to have EIGHT kitties.....I have Kitty Envy right now! I live with a non-animal person and it was a battle to get a compromise for dogs.....cats are another story but I am determined to have at least one again, some day! Pretty quilt btw!

  11. You definitely win the prize for the most cats on a quilt. They are all adorable, and I just love their names!

  12. LOL I love that last photo! I'm so glad you joined our party!

  13. What a sweet collection of fur babies. Beautiful quilts too.

  14. I'm absolutely in love with your furry children. They are so cute and I think they too absolutely adore your beautiful quilts. I'm absolutely thrilled to see them in the Pets on Quilts Show. I'm beaming with a big smile. You absolutely made my day.


  15. Your cats are so adorable! Clove the quilt.

  16. The first photo is so sweet and it really made me giggle that that had settled down after just having a tiff. :)

  17. What fun to see all of your kitties on your quilts! Custard and Cupcake look like a heart as they sleep together! Very sweet. Your Scrappy Trip Around the World quilt is beautiful and a perfect gathering place for your cat family!

  18. What a beautiful quilt. With all those tiny pieces I'm sure it took some time to come together. And your kitty family is full of soft little cuties!

  19. That's a lot of cats! Love your TATW. I hope to make one someday.

  20. Great job getting seven of them to sit on a quilt! Your quilt is lovely.

  21. That's a lot of cats. I bet you go through a lot of cat food in a week! Lovely quilts.

  22. Your kittens are adorable and I see that they love a cozy beautiful quilt to smuggle on too!!

  23. Oh how cute! Your cats have adorable names.

  24. Oh how darling they all are. That one of Custard--!! I might post your link onto my comment box if you don't mind. Seem to have had a run of no-reply blogger comments of late.

  25. Missy! Congratulations on your win in the Pets on Quilts Show! Those beautiful kitties stole the show!

  26. Missy, I adore your cats . . . they are all so pretty/handsome and personable!! Thanks for sharing them!


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