Monday, September 21, 2015

More blocks and a mess!

I love teaching, but it does not leave any time for sewing!  I don't think people realize how much homework teachers have!
I got four more blocks last week.
 Counting the two I made, this brings my total up to nine!  My husband said my quilt is going to be ugly.  :(  I tried to explain that once I make more blocks it will look better.
Of course my kitties had to help me!
My sewing friends also sent me a lot of goodies!
Over Labor Day weekend I bought some shelves for my closet in my sewing room.
Here are the tubs I pulled out,
and the mess in my room.

 I have not had any time to do anything in my room. I try to spend at least five minutes every once in a while folding material onto the shelves.   It is driving me crazy!  I'm hoping to sell some of my machines to clear some room.

My goal is to get blocks cut and ready to sew for the T.O.G.A. next week.

Have a great day ya'll!


Friday, September 4, 2015

Sew Sweet Bee

 I got another block for my sew sweet bee!  This one came from Renee at Sewn With Grace.  She was also sweet enough to send me some cute kitty fabric and a charm pack.  This makes two blocks I have gotten so far.  The other was from Donna.
School has been super busy, as a teacher I always have a ton of homework, but it will slow down as the year progresses.
Watching the cats play with their catnip bubbles is a great unwinder!
I would also like to thank everyone who voted for my fur babies, they won first place in the Pets on Quilts Show!! in the cats on quilts category.
I hope to get some quilting done this weekend!
