Friday, September 4, 2015

Sew Sweet Bee

 I got another block for my sew sweet bee!  This one came from Renee at Sewn With Grace.  She was also sweet enough to send me some cute kitty fabric and a charm pack.  This makes two blocks I have gotten so far.  The other was from Donna.
School has been super busy, as a teacher I always have a ton of homework, but it will slow down as the year progresses.
Watching the cats play with their catnip bubbles is a great unwinder!
I would also like to thank everyone who voted for my fur babies, they won first place in the Pets on Quilts Show!! in the cats on quilts category.
I hope to get some quilting done this weekend!



  1. I don't think I ever told you that I got my cats some catnip bubbles at your suggestion... Midgie doesn't care, Squeaky wants to roll on the floor where the bubble pops and Zorro jumps to try to catch them. Hilarious!!

  2. I saw that, congratulations to the furkids! Never heard of nip bubbles and not sure mine need it - the fresh stuff is doing the trick for now.

  3. I have your block done, just need to pop it in their mail!

  4. Your block looks great. I am really loving this block.

  5. Congratulations on your (and your fur babies) win!! How fun is that? Hoping the homework stuff slows down quickly. I taught for six years and always felt that the day was exhausting enough, without having to deal with all the take home stuff of lesson plans and grading papers!! :)


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