Thursday, January 21, 2016

Singer Spa Salon

My treadle really needed a good cleaning.  She was giving me some trouble, so I took her apart and gave her a good cleaning.  I spent all morning cleaning her using my favorite products.
I use Mother's Mag and Aluminum Polish for the silver parts and the Singer badge.
The GOJO is perfect for the tough grease underneath and the Murphy's is great for the top and will not destroy the decals.  Do not use water, use sewing machine oil to wipe off the soap and shine up your machine.

You would not believe the fuzz/lint that was gunked up in the feed dogs and bobbin area.

 Q-Tips are great for cleaning out fuzz.
I never did a deep clean after I got my machine, I had not realized how filthy it was.  There was a 100 years of tar built up on my machine.  After scrubbing for hours today, I turned four hand towels black and half a roll of paper towels!

 Do you see the brown?  It is tar from people smoking around it.  Can you imagine what a smoker's lungs look like?
 My throat plate all shined up with Mom's.
 I love the decals on my big, old girl!

 The tar mostly cleaned off and the Singer badge shined up.
I also gave her a good oiling, I oiled the head all the moving parts on irons.

I did not get any quilting done, but she sure looks a lot better!  Because of ice, we have not had any school Wednesday or Thursday.


  1. The inside of car windshields are also coated from smokers. I used to smoke, alot, but came down with pneumonia and couldn't inhale. That was the perfect time to quit and by the time I recovered, no cravings! I am go glad I quit all those years ago. My inlaws smoked and had to have their house treated before they could sell it. The walls were wood paneling and must have absorbed everything. Until I quit I never realized how smelly everything is and now the prices are through the roof! Glad you got your machine cleaned off.

  2. ...a job well done -- I'm sure she's very happy!

  3. Tar and nicotine has a tendency to absorb into so many materials. I bet you will have it leech out of the machine for many years. I had a set of end tables which were wrought iron, and marble from my ex husband's grandmother. Even after cleaning the marble multiple times to sparkling white, after a year or so it would be that yellow again, even the wrought iron.

  4. WOW! She looks great. My parents smoked so I know exactly what you are talking about. You did a beautiful job. I love seeing you old machines.
    Stay safe out there in the weather. Hope you have a beautiful day.

  5. I use the same polish for metal. I find that leftover chunks of batting wrapped around wooden pointed sticks (large picks for food) work better than cotton tips- no leftover shreds of cotton inside. I also use TR3 polish for the machine surface. As long as there is still clearcoat, it won't damage the decals. I try to keep up with cleaning lint and fuzz to not put strain on my vintage machines. When I change bobbins, I always try to do a swab- the batting and a brush work well.

  6. My machine could really use a go-over. I will have to follow your lead. Thank you for adding your post to the Thursday Favorite Things Blog Hop!


  7. Pipe cleaners are also good for getting that fuz out, around the bobbin area, etc.


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