Thursday, June 30, 2016

Feline Friday

I went to Texas to see my family and I've only had one day to do any sewing since I've been home.  Pippi kept me company while I was cutting fabric.  She found a comfy spot.

 I walked off while I was cutting fabric and came back to this.  Muffin and Cupcake thought the cutting table under the windows was the perfect spot to sleep.
I tried to move Cupcake, she just rolled over and never woke up.  LOL
 I had to share this picture of Pippi with my Singer Redeye.

 We can't leave out Oreo's fuzzy belly!
 My last night in TX, my mom, aunt, and I went to see the musical Texas in Palo Duro Canyon.

I'm hoping to finish a couple of quilt blocks today!


Friday, June 3, 2016

Feline Friday

It is with great sadness that I need to say that Precious (my grey and white cat) had to be put down last week.  He was almost eighteen years old and very sick.
Custard, Muffin, Pippi, and Oreo


Custard and Pippi

Cupcake and Muffin
I got a new phone.  What a big pain to get it set up.  Just trying to set up Instagram took me over an hour.  I accidently set up a new account, I had to un-install the app, but when I installed the app again the wrong account came up again.  I brought instagram up on my computer to see the info there and was able to go back to my phone and log out of instagram and then log in again with the correct information.  Stuff like that is very stressful for me since I'm not familiar with it.  I did try going to the Verizon store, but the young lady was not helpful at all and very condescending.  I will have to talk to her manager today.

Have a great weekend ya'll!

Thursday, June 2, 2016

A finish and a favorite tool

I got to make the strawberry block from Lori Holt's book for my Sew Sweet Bee.  Donna's Lavender Nest asked for this block.  
 I am very behind on my bee blocks, with the move, school and having oral surgery, I am playing catch up.  This is April's block and I am working on March's block now.  I always make two blocks of the 12 inch blocks, just in case.  My cat had a hairball on one of these blocks and I was able to get it cleaned up but one of the reds faded onto the green.  The block below is the one I will be giving Donna, I hope she likes it.
 One of my favorite tools is the rotating cutting mat.  It makes it so much easier to trim a block.
 Instead of having to rotate the block and readjusting the ruler as you go, just rotate the mat and leave the block and ruler in the same spot.  I think every quilter should have one of these mats and a 12 1/2 inch ruler.  They both make trimming blocks much easier.
 I can't remember if I showed you my backyard.  The fenced in area is also my backyard, the previous owner had dogs.
 I love my hammock, it is one of my favorite spots!
I am so glad to finally have a finish after months of no quilting!  I hope you are having a great summer!