Thursday, June 30, 2016

Feline Friday

I went to Texas to see my family and I've only had one day to do any sewing since I've been home.  Pippi kept me company while I was cutting fabric.  She found a comfy spot.

 I walked off while I was cutting fabric and came back to this.  Muffin and Cupcake thought the cutting table under the windows was the perfect spot to sleep.
I tried to move Cupcake, she just rolled over and never woke up.  LOL
 I had to share this picture of Pippi with my Singer Redeye.

 We can't leave out Oreo's fuzzy belly!
 My last night in TX, my mom, aunt, and I went to see the musical Texas in Palo Duro Canyon.

I'm hoping to finish a couple of quilt blocks today!



  1. I saw that musical, in the same place, but, it was over 35 years ago, when I was in high school. We had choir camp at the university there, and got to see the musical. What fun! I waved at you, when we drove past, on the way to Tulsa, and back. I guess you weren't there.

  2. So fun to see all the kitty love....glad you had a nice trip!

  3. Cupcake made a little more room. LOL! Love those bellies!!

  4. Your kitties missed you. Looks like you had a great time visiting in Texas.

  5. You should send the kitty post on the mat to Martellli and tell them their mat is getting good use! Hope you get to do some blocks and get in the groove of sewing!


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