Monday, September 5, 2016

Pincushion Parade

My Sister Made Me Do It is having a Pincushion Parade.  Who doesn't love pin cushions?  I had to share my pincushions on my "new to me" vintage table cloth I bought for $1!
Sorry about the picture quality, my camera is not working and I had to take my pictures on my phone.

This is my favorite pincushion, it is a mouse sitting on a pin cushion.  
 He just makes me smile, he is so cute!

 I got this pin cushion at an auction.  It is so small it is perfect to carry in my sewing bag when I travel.  What girl does not need a high heel shoe?
 These next two pin cushions are my Texas pin cushions.  I won them both at raffles.  The jar is useful for carrying small items in.

 When I saw this kitten at an auction I knew I needed it to make a pin cushion.  She makes me smile.
 Two more pin cushions from raffles.  The tea cup holds my hand sewing needles and the vase holds my safety pins.
 The pink one was the first pin cushion I ever made.  I made it using a tuna can as the base.  The blue one was made from scraps.
 I have to finish this post with my three vintage pin cushions.  I just love the old rocking chairs made out of tin cans.  They have velvet seats that are used as the pin cushions.
I hope you enjoyed seeing all of my pin cushions.  A girl can never have too many can she?

Be sure to pop on over and see everyone else's posts!



  1. Missy I love your pincushions. They are all unique. The chairs made out of tin cans remind me of some that Ida made years ago. Very nostalgic. Would love to find one for myself

  2. what a fabulous display for the parade Missy! My favorite is the kitty cat cushion........yes, I made so many of those aluminum can chairs that my fingers all had little cuts all over them! Still makes me want to try another though. (grin) Thanks for linking up....Good luck!

  3. What lovely pincushions you've shared with us. I can't even pick a favorite, they're all fabulous.

  4. What wonderful pincushions you have! I love the one with the mouse sitting on top. How cute!

  5. Cute pincushions. I think it would be hard to choose a favorite.

  6. LOVE your pincushions especially the kitty one. So cute1 That is a great find for your vintage tablecloth.

  7. Really super cute! I like the mouse a lot but I love the kitten!

  8. oooh, those made out of cans are incredible!!! Love your collection!

  9. gorgeous collection... those chairs are wonderful...

  10. What a great collection! I love all the little ceramic ones. I have a chair one that is almost like the middle one of yours. But you have three!!

  11. These are all gorgeous pincushions. I love them.

  12. I love your treasure trove of pin cushions and your new cloth set them off beautifully....great bargain x

  13. Nice collection and what a great table cloth!

  14. I'm coveting the chairs! I love a vintage sewing item!!
    LeeAnna at not afraid of color

  15. What an interesting collection of pincushions you have! I love the idea of turning an egg cup into a pincushion (I'm thinking that could be how the cat one came about?) Your vintage chairs are really special too.

  16. A good way of using up odd egg cups...

  17. Can never have too many pincushions...or scissors...or sewing pouches...etc

    Lovely collection.

  18. What a great vintage tablecloth ... for a dollar!!
    Loving all your pincushions, but especially the little cat! I used to have an ornament very similar, once upon a time!
    Your scrap pincushion is so sweet too!
    Barbara x

  19. What a fabulous buy your table cloth was. Your pin cushions are lovely. The mouse one is very cute.


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