Friday, October 14, 2016

Cheesecakes, Cats, and Classic Quilting

I made my favorite cheesecake for Bible study this morning.  This is the recipe I used.  Yesterday afternoon, I got home from my homemaker's club at 4:00 and quilt guild was at 6:30.  The cheesecake should have been done right before I left, however it needed ten more minutes.  I turned the oven off, set the timer, and asked my husband to take the cheesecake out in ten minutes.  I came home two hours later and guess what?  It was still in the oven, good thing I had turned off the oven!  It still tasted good, thankfully.
 Bible study is at 8:15 on the second and fourth Fridays of the month.  The cats did not want to get up with me this morning.


 I pulled my featherweight out this week and gave her a workout.  I was working on some maple leaf blocks.

 I wanted to get my blocks done this week, so I pulled out my Singer 99 handcrank sewing machine and set her up in my classroom.  My student is fascinated with her.  She sews so smoothly!
I got my last cake block this week.  Amy from A Quilting Sheep sent me this block.
I've enjoyed being able to get some quilting done again, there is not much, but a little at a time adds up!

Have a great weekend ya'll!


  1. Missy, I didn't realize your cake blogs were so big! I guess I imagined them about a foot high. That quilt will be gorgeous. Thank goodness your cheesecake was fine. Close call.
    --Nancy. (ndmessier @,

  2. Jimminy Crickets - lucky that cake wasn't a crispy mess. Naughty hubby!! Cupcake looks like an attentive student. LOL


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