Tuesday, November 1, 2016

A Royal Christmas Wedding - Book Review

BookLook Bloggers sent me the book A Royal Christmas Wedding by Rachel Hauck.  This is the first book I have read by this author.  I really enjoyed it, in fact I was up until 2:30 in the morning reading and I'm usually asleep by 10:30!  This is one of those books that you laugh out loud while reading and your husband gives you a funny look because you are making so much noise.

The book is the last in the series, I have not read the other two, however, Rachel did a good job interweaving the stories.

The book is about a Georgia volleyball girl and a Brighton prince in the Navy falling in love.  It is written like a fairy tale, but in a modern setting.  It is a very good book.

You can get the book here:


1 comment:

  1. As a kid/teen I used to almost always be up waaaaayyyyyyy past bedtime to read books. Haven't done that recently...I must be getting old as I'm almost always asleep by 10:30 as well.

    Glad you enjoyed the book - sounds interesting. I mean who doesn't want to fall in love with a prince??!!


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