Sunday, January 1, 2017

Plans for 2017

I have one resolution for 2017, to be more organized.  This can encompass a lot of aspects of life.  Sometimes I feel like I am going crazy with my forgetfulness and feeling like a dizzy redhead.

My first WIP (work in progress)I am going to finish will be my birthday cake quilt.  It is ready to be sandwiched and quilted.  I just need to get an area on the floor cleared so I can get it sandwiched this weekend.  These blocks are from my 2016 Sew Sweet Bee Swap.

 I have only made two dresses for Dress a Girl Around the World.  I have two more cut out ready to be sewn.  My small church has already made about 150 dresses, I think 100 of them was sewn by one lady.  They were sent to Africa, we plan on continuing to make dresses.
 I started this 4 1/2 inch 3-d bowtie blocks about three years ago?  I've been working on them off and on between projects.  I have decided to try to finish them this year.
 These are my vintage single wedding ring quilt blocks in blue, yellow, and red.  These are the blocks from the Sew Sweet Bee 2015.  It is going to be a king size quilt, so I have quite a few more to make.  I have more made then what is shown here.  I might end up doing a sashing just to save time.
 I know I won't finish my hand quilting project this year, but I plan on getting a lot more done and working on it more consistently.  I am outlining the picture with thread.
These canning jars are from a canning jar block exchange from a group that uses only people powered machines.  I have enough blocks, they just need to be sewn into a top.
Since I am still teaching part time, and am very unorganized, I think I have enough to keep me occupied for a while.   I do have some blue and yellow pinwheel blocks that need to be sewn into a quilt.  I have enough for an over sized twin size quilt, hopefully there will be enough to make two throws, one for my sister and one for my niece.  I'm thinking by adding some borders I should have enough.  They were supposed to be a picnic quilt for myself, but I changed my mind.

This past year held some changes in my life.  I bought my first house and live in a great neighborhood.  I have always wanted to live in a neighborhood where my neighbors were friends.  I also joined my first quilt guild.  There is also a homemaker's group here that meets once a month that I have joined.  Instead of teaching at my school that moved 30 minutes away, I am homeschooling a little girl part time.  A lot less stress.  We joined a a great church that we a very involved in. A lot of good changes!

If you would like to see some great projects done on people powered machines, check this out!

My wish for you is that you get all of your WIP's finished this year and that God blesses your life.
Happy new year!


  1. Seems like you've made some promising changes in 2016 and you've got lotsa great quilting projects lined up. Good luck on being organized and have a happy 2017!!!

  2. Yes, organization is that Mt. Everest I try to climb everyday. Right now, fabric has me beat. You did have a really special year- your house and all!

  3. Cute projects and once you move it seems each time it is harder to get reorganized even if it is just moving from room to room.

  4. Oh yea, the canning jar blocks. I need to finish mine, too.

  5. Looks like you are off to a good start in 2017! Lots of new things in your life can be very inspiring too. Just keep the needle close to your fabric. Thanks for sharing all of the pictures. You've inspired me.

  6. Your Bee quilt looks amazing! I love the setting you settled on. Love!!

  7. It sounds like you have plenty to keep your busy Missy! Congrats on the new home and neighbors, I love our small town.


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