Tuesday, February 14, 2017

A Harvest of Thorns

A Harvest of Thorns by Corban Addison was a book sent to me by Book Look Bloggers to review.

The book is about a garment factory in Bangladesh that burns down to the ground and the corporate executive who is trying to find the answers of why it happened.  An American corporation that the executive works for is trying to keep a secret they don't want the world to know.  It is all about the money to them.  The executive joins up with a disgraced journalist to expose that secret. The book covers the controversy of sweat shops owned by American corporations.

I thought the book was very well written, however it could not capture my attention.  I prefer to read Christian fiction and find it a lot more interesting.  I'm not saying it was a bad book, it just was not the type of book I like to read.

Thomas Nelson is supposed to be a Christian publishing company.  I read Christian books because I do not want to read, or hear foul language.  There was a curse word on page 36, so I stopped reading the book.  

You can see for yourself if you like the book, and read different reviews, here.

You can buy the book on Amazon here. 

I review for BookLook Bloggers


  1. When my kids were growing up, we'd watch movies with them, so that we could stop and explain things that we thought needed some discussion. I developed a habit of inserting another word, when a curse word was said. My boys tried to get me to stop this, when they were grown, but, I still do it sometimes.

  2. Oh, how disappointing! I had one pop up on me like that one time, that was listed on a Christian website. I let the lady know what was in the book, but never heard back from her.


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