Monday, March 27, 2017

Book Review "How To Pack"

How To Pack by Hitha Palepu is a very informative book about how to pack efficiently for any trip.

 First of all, isn't that just the cutest book cover?  The book is also small, making it easy to carry with you if you want.

 It is a nonfiction book about packing  for a trip.  Have you ever wondered how to get everything packed into a carry on bag or how to pack for your whole family for a trip and get it to fit in the trunk of your car?  This book is mainly focused on the business individual traveling for business, however she does cover all kinds of trips.   I am going to apply what I have learned from this book to packing on quilt retreats and for vacations.

If you like to travel, you will like this book and find it helpful.

You can find more information about the author, Hitha Palepu, here:

You can get more information, and order, the book here:

I hope this review was helpful!


This book was provided by Blogging for Books for me to review.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a fun book. People always wonder how I can go tent camping for 10 days with my (small) car and only the trunk is full. Packing is a skill that everyone should know for so many reasons...


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