Friday, March 3, 2017

Feline Friday and Machine Update

Almost every morning Muffin crawls under the covers to go back to sleep (he gets up with my husband).  The cats wake my husband up early but know it will not do them any good to try to get me up.  I always wake up around seven, even on my days off.  They wake up my husband between 5:30 and 6:00.
Pippi has a basket she likes to sleep in, so when I brought home my new papasan chair, she thought it was a new basket for her!

Check out the link below to see a video showing how the presser bar works.  I can't seem to get my videos to work this week.

 I got my machine fixed.  I cleaned the inside with goop and then oiled it with sewing machine oil.  I let it sit overnight and then had my husband loosen the nut on top for me.  I thought you would be interested to see how the presser bar lifts up and down.  I got it stuck by tightening it too much.
This picture is missing the lever, but thought you might like to see the inside.

Do you fix your own machines or have someone else do it?  That is one thing I like about the vintage machines, they are usually pretty easy to fix.  I call my Singer 16 my Big Old Lady, she is 126 years old.  She was born in 1891.

Here is an update on my wall.  I promise that it is not a load bearing wall.  There is even wire mesh on the ceiling, it is in the way of getting the big board off the ceiling.  Such a pain.

I'll be having a giveaway next week, be sure to check back.

Have a great day ya'll!



  1. What treadle is that in the dining room? The irons look like my 1881 Singer 12, but, the lid is different.

  2. You are right the older machines are easier to fix. I fixed the timing on my serger but the other machines they are too complicated so off to the dr. they go.

  3. I usually bring it to the shop to get it looked at. Hubby did help with the wires when it got loose. Your kitties get up really early. Ours will get up with whoever is up first because they want breakfast.


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