Sunday, April 2, 2017

Quilting Progress

 I have been working on my getting my cake quilt quilted.  If you remember that my quilting foot broke a couple of weeks ago, I tried a new foot and it messed up my machine, which I had to fix.
It occurred to me that I still needed to outline (or stitch in the ditch) around everything, so I put the original foot back on it and I am almost done with that part.  I have a couple of pink sashing "boxes" left and the brown inner border.  Someone sent me a darning spring that I am going to try as soon as I finish.  I will let you know how it works.  Someone asked me what foot this is, I believe it is the original foot that came with the machine, the machine is 126 years old.
 I found that the middle finger on the left hand is not used in quilting, just the palm.  I put my quilting glove on my hand and put the splint (for my broken finger) over the glove.  I was not able to quilt as long as I wanted to since too much movement does hurt.
I would love to have it finished by this weekend, but I'm not sure it will happen.  I have 25 nine patch blocks to make for a block exchange this weekend.  I have half of them made.  I have to admit that my blocks were cut kind of wonky.  I should have taken my neighbor's offer to cut them for me.

Have a great day!


  1. Beautiful. I also agree with you that an in the ditch would be perfect for this quilt. Really looks beautiful. glad to see you found a way to quilt with your broken finger. I hope it isn't too painful. Maybe you've discovered a new way for people with broken fingers to go thru physical therapy? :-)


  2. Love the way the quilt is transforming. I always think, I already sewed the straight seams, I am not quilting along them. I like to let the quilting out and do its texturing thing.

  3. Looks like great progress :) I think my thumb is looking better than your finger's still not pretty but cuts heal faster than breaks I know. Take care of it!

  4. Glad you are getting some stuff done, with that finger. Don't overdo it.

  5. Your finger looks painful - so glad you found a way to keep quilting. It is such a beautiful quilt with all of the cake blocks. Love it!!

  6. This is such a pretty quilt. Stitch in the Ditch is going to look pretty nice with this quilt. Hope your finger heals quickly.

  7. Your quilt is so lovely, glad you could get some done on it with the finger injury.

  8. Looking good, Missy. I hope your finger heals quickly.

  9. Love seeing you quilt on your antique machine. Have you tried looking on the internet for a foot. Sometimes you can find old ones? Your quilt is looking amazing. Hope your finger heals fast.

  10. Oh! That looks so painful! What a trooper you are! I know you're being careful not to overdo it! My daughter purchased and showed me how to use a "Stripology Ruler" which seems to make cutting easier and so accurate. I'm really curious about your wonderful sewing machine! How awesome is that? Take good care!

  11. I'm impressed that you are trying to quilt such a large quilt with not only an older machine whose foot is not ideal, and with a broken finger. You go girl! Thanks for sharing the quilt and your story on Midweek Makers!


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