Saturday, May 20, 2017


This week on Instagram someone asked, "what inspires you when making a quilt?".
There are several things that inspire me.
The first "thing" is my family.  This is my niece, Johnna, and the quilt I made for her a few years ago.  When a make a quilt for someone, I want it to be one I know they will love and that will reflect their personality.
I am also inspired by magazines and books.  I love to just read them and look at all of the pictures.  I have more quilt related books in my sewing room also.
I am also inspired by other quilters at my local quilt guild.  We learned how to do trapunto on Thursday night.  Marla Yeager, one of our members, gave the lesson.  This is the sample Marla made.

 There were also a few quilts that were shared.  The nirds were from terry cloth and it was all hand stitched.  It was almost a casualty of the flooding we recently had, but she was able to save it.
 Don't you love these crayons?
I am also inspired by my fellow bloggers.  I appreciate all of the hard work my "bloggy" friends put into their posts and their willingness to answer my endless questions.
Thank you friends for all of your inspirations that you share to others.


  1. Lovely trapunto example! Are you going to make something with trapunto? Does your meeting space always have lovely quilts on the walls? I would add that to ur excellent list of inspirations too.

  2. Beautiful trapunto. I don't do it all that often, but I love the look and always feel that when I add trapunto work to my projects they just stand out all that much more.


  3. I love looking through old quilt magazines too!!


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