Tuesday, May 9, 2017

The Hideaway, book review

The first thing my husband mentioned when I got this book was that it was very similar to my painting in the Living Room.  He was right!  This is my favorite painting.  I love the cover and the name of the book.

The Hideaway is Lauren K. Denton's first book.  She wove a great story of how the life of Sarah's grandmother, Mags, inadvertently affected Sarah's life.  The Hideaway switches back and forth between Mag's life and Sarah's life.  The story is a great story line and very well written.

Sara has to return to Sweet Bay when her grandmother, who raised her after her parents' death, passes away.  She plans to return to her thriving business in New Orleans within a few days.

Sara stays in Sweet Bay to renovate the house she grew up in, she thought it would be simple to fix up the old house and return to New Orleans to her business, it wasn't.
Sarah discovers things about Mags, she never knew.  It opens her eyes to realize she did not know her grandmother as well as she thought.
She is forced to make a choice between the house and her life in New Orleans when a land developer tries to steal her house.
The only thing about this book that I did not like, is that I was expecting a faith-based book since the publishing company is Thomas Nelson Christian Publishing Company.  The book talks about how an adulterous affair was okay since her husband was an adulterer, there is a lot of drinking and getting drunk.  Nothing about the Christian faith or repentance.  I am very disappointed with Thomas Nelson for printing books that are not Christian books.  When I get a book from a Christian publishing company, I expect a Christian book.  Thomas Nelson seems to be getting away from publishing exclusively Christian books and it makes me sad.
I received this book for review from BookLook Bloggers.


  1. I've read books by several authors that mirror a historical and current story line and I really like that style. I'll have to see if this is available on audiobook. Thanks for the review!

  2. I agree 100% with your review. I gave it 0 stars due to the content. I love your blog come over and join mine. http://themarybookreader.blogspot.com/

  3. Thank you for the warning about the content of the book. It is very disappointing for a "Christian" publishing house to do this. Thank you very much!



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