Friday, December 1, 2017

Feline Friday

I have some random cat pictures for you and some updates on Tater.  She is doing a lot better, her ears still have some swelling and I think will be permanently scarred.  She is very hyper and smart and is picking up all of the bad habits and learning from my other six cats.  She is constantly watching them.

Pippi on my Christmas Village.

Tater sleeping with Cupcake and Muffin

Tater likes to bite and scratch and when she starts doing that we give her her frog to bite and scratch instead.

Here is another picture of my village, not anything fancy just what I have picked up at yard sales and thrift stores.  Oreo is under the piano bench.  Next to Oreo is the Nativity that my Mom cross stitched for me.

Tater trying to climb my fake tree.

I put the cat collar on Tater as a skirt, it was so cute!
I haven't had any time to sew, I hope to change that today.  Have a great weekend everyone!



  1. Tater is right at home with the rest of your kitties! Glad to hear she is doing better with her ears. Your village is nice; I'll bet it's really pretty at night!

  2. great village, i have a small one to


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