Friday, December 1, 2017

Feline Friday

I have some random cat pictures for you and some updates on Tater.  She is doing a lot better, her ears still have some swelling and I think will be permanently scarred.  She is very hyper and smart and is picking up all of the bad habits and learning from my other six cats.  She is constantly watching them.

Pippi on my Christmas Village.

Tater sleeping with Cupcake and Muffin

Tater likes to bite and scratch and when she starts doing that we give her her frog to bite and scratch instead.

Here is another picture of my village, not anything fancy just what I have picked up at yard sales and thrift stores.  Oreo is under the piano bench.  Next to Oreo is the Nativity that my Mom cross stitched for me.

Tater trying to climb my fake tree.

I put the cat collar on Tater as a skirt, it was so cute!
I haven't had any time to sew, I hope to change that today.  Have a great weekend everyone!


Thursday, November 23, 2017

The "new" Singer Featherweight Sewing Machine

My classic Featherweight
Did you hear that Singer has come out with a new Featherweight?  I guess since classic Featherweights are so popular the company probably wanted to get in on the action. 
 The new SINGER® Featherweight™ C240 sewing machine! With its sleek, compact design and weighing less than 14 pounds.
You can get more information about it here:

I prefer vintage machines because I don't have $75-$100 to get my machines cleaned and repaired, I just fix my own because vintage machines are a lot easier to fix and clean!

I have a friend who has a lot of information about vintage machines and new machines and I got her permission to share her thoughts on the new Featherweight.

" I just got a post about the 'new' Singer Featherweight machines - they have little if anything to do with the originals and please be aware that Singer per se manufactures nothing these days. It's just name owned by an Asian holding company. It's part of SVP - standing for Singer, Viking, Pfaff - all companies swallowed up by this holding company and none bears any resemblance to the original companies!! All manufactured in Asia someplace (as with virtually all things sewing machine related these days.) Their machines may (or may not) be OK for the short run but certainly won't hold up for the 60 some years Featherweights have been around much less the venerable Singer 12s or 15s dating back to the late 1800s!!"
by Cindy Peters  
If you need any parts for vintage machines you can contact her through her email
Here is her Facebook page: 

I just wanted you to now there is a difference between the two machines!

Missy Shay

Monday, November 6, 2017

Hoot N Hollarin' Quilt Show

I went to a small quilt show back in September and forgot to post about it!  Each county has their own Homemaker's Group and the one in Ozark County has this quilt show every year in Gainesville, MO.  I was not able to get a picture of every quilt, but here are a few of them.My husband and I with the obligatory selfie too of course.  He was tired of me taking selfies, LOL.
 This was the raffle quilt, I love this log cabin quilt!
 I took a picture of the person who made the quilt also.  I love this stained glass quilt!

 I love their prize ribbons!  A great keepsake!

 The Hoot N' Hollarin' Festival was fun.
 This was my birthday present we found in one of the small shops on the square.  I absolutely love it and the chimes are very soothing!
I hope you enjoyed this small quilt show!


Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Single Wedding Ring Quilt

This is my month to be the Sew Sweet Bee Queen.  I am going to pick a block that I picked two years ago also.  I am making a king size quilt, so I need a lot of blocks.
Here is my original blog post from two years ago.  It has all of the information for the blocks, with the pattern and everything.

Below is my design wall with all of my blocks.  My quilt is going to be red, aqua, and yellow.  
We got a new kitten last night, we couldn't help it.  Could you refuse that sad face?

Maybe I can finish this quilt in 2018!  I started it in 2016.  People don't believe me when I tell them that I am slow!  Well, here is the proof.  With the help of my Sew Sweet Bee sisters in 2016, I have 15 made, they made ten, I made five.  I do have several pieces cut out waiting to be sewn together.

Have a great day everyone!


Friday, October 27, 2017

Feline Friday on quilts

I get colder than my husband at night, so I have the regular quilt on the bed and then I put the barn quilt for my side of the bed.  I have a king size bed so my barn quilt would be perfect for a full size or twin size bed.  The cats love it though.

 Muffin is the only cat who would let me put the hat on him, he is so easy going.

 Pippi and Boots love each other!
 Custard is like, "are you serious?"
 Tiger wanted under the quilt.
 This has been Pippi's pillow since she was four weeks old, she would sleep there with my hand on her to make sure she did not wake up and have to go potty.  She still loves this pillow.  You can see some of the back of the barn quilt.

Have a great weekend ya'll!
