Tuesday, June 26, 2018

TOGA machines

I want to share some of the vintage machines that were at the TOGA!

A TOGA originated with Treadleon.net when fellow hand crank and treadle sewing machine users wanted to get together and share their machines and learn more about them.  It is called a Treadle On Gathering Academy because we gather together and learn a lot of stuff.  It is a lot of fun!  We will be having another Missouri TOGA next year.  I will try to schedule it for the weekend after Father's Day again in 2019.  This seems to work out pretty good for me since I am a teacher and am off work for the summer. 



  1. Wow! I'm so impressed that you're able to do this with all the orgaizing it takes! Kudos!

  2. Squee! Such fun pictures! Wishing I could have been there to pet them all in person! Thanks for posting the pictures!


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