Friday, August 10, 2018

Pets On Quilts Show

I am so excited!  Today is the Pets on Quilts Show at Lily Pad Quilting!  I join in the party every year(with seven cats I still have not used them all!)
You can join the party at this link Quilt Show I am entering the Cats On Quilt category!
Today Tater is going to be the star of the show!  She has been through so much in her short life!  Someone dumped a pregnant cat at my friends house who is highly allergic to cats.  The mom cat had two kittens, one died and then she abandoned Tater.
My friend's little girl tried to take care of her by herself for six weeks out in the cold weather.  We went to my friend's house and when I saw this poor kitten I had to take her home!  She had fleas, worms, and her poor ears had "An aural (ear) haematoma is a collection of blood similar to a large blood blister which results from a rupture of a blood vessel in the ear. The collection of blood usually occurs between the skin and cartilage on the inner side of the ear." which has left her ears scarred.  
Isn't this the saddest kitten you ever saw in your life?

She is now very spoiled and happy!  She still has a "sad look" but is very happy!  I think the sad look is because her whiskers droop.  My other cats have taught her how to use the litter box, what "treats" means, and how to play.  Most importantly they have taught her what love is and what it is like to have family.
The voting opens up in ten days, I hope you will vote for Tater!  If you want to enter the contest, read the rules at this link! 
What kind of pets do you have?  
Here is a picture of the quilt Tater is sitting on.
Meet Custard

Meet Muffin

You already met Tater

Meet Cupcake

Meet Oreo
I will have to introduce Pippi and Tiger later, they have been quilt shy lately!


  1. She's so cute, and I'm glad you have taken such good care of her. I also have a calico cat.

  2. What a wonderful person you are for rescuing and taking care of this kitty. I liked your post.

  3. Tater is such a beautiful cat/kitten. I'm so glad you rescued her and I bet she is too. I have a beautiful tuxedo cat that I rescued about 7 years ago. He and his sister were camping out in my mother's back yard and when the weather got colder, didn't appear to have anywhere to go. He is now very happily spoiled and I am very lucky to have found him. My brother adopted his sister and now my sister has 2 of her kittens.

  4. Tater, you are beautiful! I'm so glad you found loving people and cats to help you live your best life. Lovely quilt choice to snuggle on!

  5. Tater is a lucky little cat to have found a loving family and some fur buddies to boot--such a sweetie!

  6. Tater has the most intelligent, bright eyes! So beautiful!

  7. So glad to meet Tater. She looks lovely on the lovely quilt.

  8. What a sweet little girl!! She deserved your loving home!

  9. How lucky Tater is to have found your family. She is so sweet and I am sure she now knows what a great family she has. Hugs, Susie & Treacle

  10. What a sweet kitty. Love those little ears.

  11. Tater is indeed a very lucky kitty! Sure is adorable now

  12. OOOOHHHH!!!! LOVE that lil' Tater!

  13. I'm in love.....lil Tater is adorable! What a happy story - love to hear of good folks rescuing precious animals and making them part of their furry families! Good to have you in our party again!
    Snoodles at the Lilypad

  14. Tater is such a sweetie. She is lucky to have found a home with you.

  15. Tater is such a precious gift! You are both lucky to have each other!

  16. Tater is so cute! I'm so glad you rescued her and that you and all your other kitties have given her such a good home!

  17. What a good friend to animals you are to bring Tater can certainly tell she is happy now! Do any of your other kitties have problems with you bringing new ones into the house? I am headed to vote!

  18. Thank you for sharing this moving story of tater!


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