Monday, June 6, 2011

Pink and Green Skirt

For the third week of the SONP challenge I made a skirt.  I had bought this pink and green kind of sheer fabric last year on clearance.  I pulled it out a couple of weeks ago and decided that I wanted to make it into a skirt, but there was not enough material, so I set it aside and thought about how
I could use it as part of a skirt.
I was going through my patterns and found this Mccalls pattern 5056 that I had bought two years ago when I first started sewing but have been too intimidated to try to sew.  It has godets in it and I thought that would be perfect for that little bit of material I had, but I still need to buy another 3 1/2 yards of material.  It takes six yards of material!

Here is a picture of the inside of the skirt before I sewed on the back half of the skirt.  I had to sew on eight godets (triangles) and eight rectangles.  I did not have enough of the pink and green material to do all the triangles, so I only did four of them with that material and did the other four in pink.  That was a lot of sewing!
Since the wind was blowing it is hard to get a good idea of just how big this skirt is!  It is a complete circle and I think the hardest part of the whole skirt was the hem, good thing nobody can see it!

I was trying to iron the skirt which took forever and my material wouldn't move anymore, so I looked under the ironing board and this is what I found!  Isn't Tiger so cute?  When I got home from church I was standing there and Muffin ran under my skirt and laid down on all the material.  He likes playing under my skirts and when I lifted my skirt, little Pippi was under there with him.  Silly kittens!
I must say that I think this was my favorite project so far!

Have ya'll been sewing anything lately?
I love to hear from ya'll,


  1. Love the skirt! The first (and only thing) I ever sewed was a skirt much like this one---=) Happy sewing

  2. is it hot? it is very cute
    love u teri

  3. Look at you! You're becoming a real pro:) I'm busy sewing flat iron/curling iron travel cases ~ hoping to blog about them soon.
    With a smile,

  4. The skirt turned out cute, and I love the picture of Tiger. :)

  5. Cute skirt perfect for the summer!

  6. I didn't know the triangles were called godets until I read this. Good thinking on combining the fabrics... that's a lot of material. You've done a great job.


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