Saturday, June 4, 2011

White Jumper

I finished my second dress for the Summer of no pants challenge!  I must admit that a summer of no pants is pretty easy for me since I stopped wearing pants when I was 16!   I love having the challenge of having to sew one item a week, but I am kind of neglecting my blogging because of it.  I am not a very fast seamstress!
This pattern was actually pretty easy once I got the hang of it.  I made it a little too long and I think I'll go back and add another 1/2 in. hem to it so I can walk without tripping!  My pattern was smaller then what I needed according to the directions so I added some material which made it too big.  I added two extra darts on the front bodice at the top and at the waist to keep it from looking like a sack of potatoes.

I love the belt and the bag, even though it is a little crooked.  I still need to add the button hole and the button to the belt.  I actually got this white twill for free and the pattern for free so the only thing I had to buy was the zipper and the thread!

Let me introduce the newest addition to my family, Pippi.  She has three socks and one long stocking.  Get it?  Pippi Longstocking?  She is only about four weeks old and is a rescued feral kitten.  Isn't she adorable?
It's really hard to get a good picture because she is always moving!
And here is my big boy Tiger, he'll be 9 months next week.

Thanks for listening to me ramble, have a great weekend!


  1. I don't wear pants, either, and so prefer making my own skirts! I love this pattern, from Simplicity: I also made a cute (and really easy) t-shirt skirt for just bumming around in. Very fast to put together and easy to just slip on. After making the first one, I know I'll make one or two more!

    Is Pippi different from Midnight? Wow, you've really got your hands full! Tiger is just beautiful. He looks to have some Maine Coon cat in him!

  2. Both cats are adorable!!! Do they get along? I certainly hope so as they are both at an age to get into lots of trouble.

    Thanks for joining my Feline Friday Linky Party and I hope you, and the new furbaby will contine to join us!


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