Tuesday, September 27, 2011

A New Skirt and the Fair

Sorry I've been so quiet on here.  I was getting my house clean and in order before I went out of town to see my family in Lubbock.  My sister's birthday is Thur. and mine is Fri..  We go to the fair in Lubbock every year I'm in town for my annual visit.  My sister went the first time when she was two days old.  The first time I went I was a year old.  This is not a great picture, I was in the fun house.
I made a new skirt that I wanted to wear to the fair this year.
I bought this denim material back in June and I tried to make it into a pair of culottes.
The material was too heavy and bulky.  Pippi likes this material!  So I had to take out the inner seams and make it into a skirt, then I made it too big and had to take it in.  It took me three months to finally finish this skirt(I only worked on it off and on).
Here is a picture of my niece Johnna and I on the Merry Go Round.

Here is one of the rides my sister and I rode, that's us way up there.  We both decided we are getting too old to ride those rides!  LOL

We rode the swings and I was very dizzy when we got off!

 Here is a picture of my mom and Johnna sharing a corn dog.

Johnna's favorite ride was the canoe.

We like playing with the hats too!

Here is a picture of all of us as we were leaving, we were tired and hot but had a great time!

Johnna fell asleep on the way home.
One of the materials had "patches" on it, so I built on that theme and made more patches on the bottom of the skirt using the rag quilt.  I didn't have enough material and added some other denim I had.  I added more patches all around to bring the two materials together.
You can see the patches better in this picture even though it is a terrible picture of me.  It's kind of hard to take a good picture in a moving barrel.
I won't be home until Monday, my husband stayed home with the cats.
Have a great day ya'll!

1 comment:

  1. Nice job on your skirt:) And happy (early) birthday ~ hope it's a wonderful day for you!



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